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An Introduction to the Econometrics of Networks

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Topic 1

Describing Networks Examples of networksSmall worlds Degree distributions Homophily Triads

Topic 2Dyadic Analysis & Regression

Topic 3Heterogeneity

Topic 4Strategic Interaction: Testing & Estimation


This course will provide an overview of econometric methods appropriate for the analysis of social and economic networks. Many social and economic activities are em- bedded in networks.

Furthermore, datasets with natural graph theoretic (i.e., network) structure are increasingly available to researchers. We will review (i) how to describe, summarize and visually present network data and (ii) formal econometric models of network formation, including ones that admit heterogeneity and/or strategic behavior.

Special emphasis will be placed on parametric and non-parametric methods appropri- ate for dyadic analysis – as arises in, for example, the analysis of international trade or migration flows.