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Audiovisual Interpreting the Reality

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Syllabus JJB148 - Fall 2019   1. Lecture - Guest from Poland (October 2nd 2019)   2. Lecture:  Autenthicity - the main value (October 9st 2019)


ROTHMAN, William: Eternal Verités. In: WARREN, Charles (eds.): Beyond Document. Essays on nonfiction Film. Wesleyan University  Press, Hanover and London 1996, p. 79-99

BENNETT, Carl: Film Authenticity. Evaluation. In:

ROBINSON, Andrew: Walter Benjamin: Art, Aura and Authenticity. In: Ceasefire.   3. Lecture: Components of Audiovisual Language (October 16st 2019)


Components of Film Study and Analysis. In:

Elements of Film Making. In:    4. Lecture: Between two Poles: Reality and Piece of Work (October 23st 2019)


RUSHTON, Richard: The Reality of Film: Theories of Filmic Reality. Manchaster University Press, 2013.

Realism and "Reality" in Film and Media. Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen. 2002   5.  Lecture: Between Two Poles: Objectivity and Author´s Subject (October 30 2019)


FELDMAN, Seth: Peace between Man and Machine. In: GRANT, Barry Keith-SLONIOWSKI, Jeannette: Documenting the Documentary. Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video. Wayne State University Press, Detroit 1998, p. 40-54

RUBY, Jay: The Image Mirrored: Reflexivity and the Documentary Film. In: ROSENTAHL, Alan: New Challenges for Documentary. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1988, p. 64-75

SCHINDEL, Daniel: Objectivity in Documentary Film. In:

BALDWIN, Belinda: The Death of Objectivity? When Documentary Footage Becomes Evidence. In:

MORRIS, Peter H.: Objectivity in Documentary. In:    6. Lecture:  Observational Mode (November 6st 2019)


BRUZZI, Stella: The legacy of direct cinema. In: New Documentary: A critical Introduction. Routledge, London 2000, p. 67-74

BENSON W. Tomas-ANDERSON, Carolyn: The Politics of the Double Bind. High school. In: Reality Fictions. The Film of Frederic Wiseman. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, 2002 p. 197-146

BENSON W. Tomas-ANDERSON, Carolyn: Reality Fictions and the Rhetoric  of Documentary. In: Reality Fictions. The Film of Frederic Wiseman. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, 2002, p. 197-146

Modes of Documentary - Bill Nichols. In:

NICHOLS, Bill: What Type sof Documentary Are There? In: NICHOLS, BILL: Introduction to Documentary. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2001, p. 99-137 In:    7. Lecture: Forms of Representation and Birth of Stereotype (November 13th 2019)


BARSAM, Richard: Nanook of the North, In: BARSAM, R.: The vision of Robert Flaherty. The Artist as Myth and Filmmaker. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1988, p. 12-27 

BEATTIE, Keith: Believe Me, I´am of the World: Documentary Representation. In: BEATTIE, KEITH: Documentary Screens. Nonfiction Film and Television. Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2004, p. 10-26

Representation. In: BLANDFORD, Steve-GRANT, Barry Keith-HILLIER, Jim: The Film Studies Dictionary. Arnold, London, 2001.   8. Lecture: Role of Stylization (November 20st 2019)


LIPKIN, Steve: Defining Docudrama: In the name of the Father, Schindler´s List, and JFK. In: ROSENTAHL, Alan (eds.): Why Docudrama? Fact-Fiction on Film and TV. Southern Illinois University Press. 1999,

Sliding Scale of Realism vs. Stylization. In:    9.  Lecture:  Poetic Mode (December 27st 2019)

Poetry-Film & The Film Poem: Some Clarifications. In:

Movie review: Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation. In: tetsuobroker2099. In:   10. Lecture: Creative Treatment of Actuality (December 4th 2019)


GRIERSON, John: First Principles of Documentary (1934). In: BARSAM, Richard Meran: Nonfiction Film. Theory and Criticism. A Dutton Paperback. New York, 1976.

LOVEL, Alan-HILLIER, Jim: The Documentary Film Movement: John Grierson. In: Studies in Documnetary. The Viking Press, New York, 1972, p. 9-35

BERNSTEIN, Matthew: Documentaphobia and Mixes Modes. In: GRANT, Barry Keith-SLONIOWSKI, Jeannette: Documenting the Documentary. Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video. Wayne State University Press, Detroit 1998, p. 397-415

MOHAMED, Sufi: Documentary Film Theory and John Grierson. In: Indiejudge. In:    11. Lecture: Imaging of a Man/Human (December 11st 2019)


KUEHL, Jerry: Lies about Real People. In: ROSENTAHL, Alan (eds.): Why Docudrama? Fact-Fiction on Film and TV. Southern Illinois University Press. 1999, p. 119-124

BRUZZI, Stella: The president and the image: Kennedy, Nixon, Clinton. In: New Documentary: A critical Introduction. Routledge, London 2000, p. 127-152   12. Lecture: Test  


Lecture: Imaging of a Place/Genius Loci 


GALT, Rosalind: Pretty: Film and the Decorative Image. Columbia University Press, New York, 2011

HALLAM, Julia: Mapping the "City" Film 1930-1980. In: HALLAM, Julia-ROBERTS, Les: Locating the Moving Image. New Approaches to Film and Place. Indiana University Press. Bloomington-Indianapolis, 2014  

Lecture: Imaging of a Time/Epoch 


HALL, Jeannie: Don´t You Ever Just Watch?  In: GRANT, Barry Keith-SLONIOWSKI, Jeannette: Documenting the Documentary. Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video. Wayne State University Press, Detroit 1998, p. 40-54  



Course aimed at methods of interpretation of reality by tools of audiovisuality. 12 lectures provide theoretic approaches of (particularly) non-fiction film to relationship between "objective" reality and "author´s subjectivity". Thesis are demonstrated by excerpts of classic and contemporary documentary films.

A lecturer apply also his filmmaker´s point of view at a process of creativity.