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Modern History of Media

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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V průběhu semestru se uskuteční tři přednášky. 1. přednáška: Média v době druhé republiky a Protektorátu Čechy a Morava2. přednáška: Média v poválečném období a v 1. období komunistického režimu v Československu 1948-1967 3. přednáška: Média v Československu v období Pražského jara a za normalizace


This subject is intended for the students of combined bachelor study in Media Studies. It offers the students a basic view into problematic of media history.

Students will get acquainted with the development of media in Czechoslovakia between 1938 and 1989. On several defined thematic units orientated mostly on the relationship between political power and media students will gain insight into historical approach and its methods.

The aim of this course is to present the students most important knowledge of modern media history and offer them also basic terminology and methodological apparatus of modern history studies as well as offer possibilities of its application on narrower specified problems of functioning and role of media in the society.