Feb 27: rules and principles of the seminar, creation of teams; defining intercultural marketing
Mar 5: defining culture, cultural dimensions
Mar 12: perception of colors in different cultures
Mar 19: cultural aspects of humor
Mar 26: influence of religion
Apr 2: perception of beauty in different cultures, ideals of beauty
Apr 9: Dean's Holidays
Apr 16: family, marriage, sexuality, roles of women/men in different cultures
Apr 23: intercultural aspects of nonverbal communication
Apr 30: Field trip
May 7: Traditions in different cultures, TEST
May 14: Students presentations
In an increasingly global world where barriers to trade and to international exchanges constantly diminish, cultural differences remain the single most enduring feature that has to be taken into consideration. The aim of this course is to increase the awareness of the impact of culture on international marketing and to provide knowledge of the most significant cultural dimensions and their impact on the 4 P’s of the marketing mix.