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Diploma Theses Seminar

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Časový harmonogram diplomové práce konzultuje diplomant s vedoucím práce bezprostředně po přijetí tezí. Rámcová závazná pravidla pro postup práce jsou zveřejněná na stránkách IKSŽ.


This seminar focus on development of methods for individual work in the field of media studies, particularly on methods of analysing evidence material, synthesis of gained findings and its critical evaluation against the background of secondary literature. This subject focus on work on diploma theses and it has a form of: a) introductory seminars dealing with methodology; b) collective seminars of the diplomants who work on close themes (generally a group focused on history of media, a group focused on analysis of media contents and a group focused on social and political context of media); c) individual consultations.