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Czech Media System in European Comparison

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1)       Media and systemic perspective.

2)       Media systems comparation and its limitation.

3)       Czech media before Velvet revolution.

4)       Laboratory of Freedom: Transforming media system.

5)       Print media I. Daily Press.

6)       Print media II. Magazines.

7)       Radio  after


8)       Twenty years of free television.

9)       Internet, digitalization and new media.

10)   Advertising market.

11)   Media research.

12)   Re-liberalisation as the future of CMS?


Subject Czech media system in European Comparison will provide basic outline of Czech media landscape. Students will learn basic trends of the development of Czech media in last twenty years and will understand key frameworks of functioning of Czech media; principles of regulation and economical and cultural conditions of Czech media.

Subject will provide actual situation in print media, radio, television and internet markets. Students will learn the position of key media entrepreneurs within both audience and advertising markets.

Czech media landscape will be introduced in comparison with key European media markets (Great Britain, Germany, France). Understanding of the specifics and similarities of Czech media with European media systems will be one of the outcomes of the subject.