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Cross-Cultural Studies. Reading and Understanding Scientific Texts about Culture

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1) Introduction to Cross-Cultural Research

2) Cultural Theory I Text 1:         Culture – defining the concept by Caroline Hodges Persell (1987).

3) Cross cultural research Text 2:         Hofstede´s Concept of cultural dimensions

4) Hofstede´s Concept of cultural dimensions II

5) Process of scientific discovery

6) Just one method in Cross-Cultural Studies: Text 3:         Introduction to Content Analysis

7) Conducting research in cross-cultural studies - Work on projects - Conducting a content analysis

8)  Modernization Theory - an overview Text 4:         “Implications of Modernization and Human Development” by Inglehart, Halman, Welzel

9) Conducting research in cross-cultural studies - Work on projects

10) Individual Memory – Collective Memory, History – Concepts of Remembrance by Maurice Halbwachs Text 5: HALBWACHS, Maurice: On Collective Memory, Chicago, London,

1992. The University of Chicago Press. (Translation of: Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire, Paris,


11) Collective Memory – National Identity A Research into Concepts of National Identity in Russia, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and others



The seminar deals with some classic as well as new perspectives of cross-cultural studies. We get to know various concepts of culture and different approaches to the study of culture. Various theoretical concepts will be presented by the teacher. Together we discuss the concepts and try to reveal their basic ideas and conclusions.

In the practical part we deal with the process of scientific research itself. We familiarize with the individual steps of empirically based cross-cultural research. Each student gets the opportunity to conduct their own research in the field of cross-cultural studies. This might be helpful for your further studies (not only) in this area.