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Online Journalism

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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21. únoraÚvodní přednáška: Jsou online novináři něčím jiní než ti tradiční? Text k diskusi: What is News? News values revisited (again) / Do Online, Offline, and Multiplatform Journalists Differ in their Professional Principles and Practices?  28. únoraTéma: AIText k diskusi: Making Artificial Intelligence Work for Investigative Journalism: Digital Journalism: Vol 7, No 8 (, Robots in the News and Newsrooms: Unpacking Meta-Journalistic Discourse on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: Digital Journalism: Vol 10, No 10 (, Collaborating With ChatGPT: Considering the Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Journalism and Media Education - John V. Pavlik, 2023 (  6. březnaTéma: Jak reagovat na online publikum?Texty k dikusi: Negotiating the Conversation: How Journalists Learn to Interact with Audiences.

Comment Sections as Targets of Dark? Participation Journalists Evaluation and Moderation of Deviant User Comments. Push notifications and news snacking: The impact of mobile news alert framing on reader engagement - Renee Barnes, Rory Mulcahy, Aimee Riedel, 2023 (, Viral journalism.

Strategy, tactics and limitations of the fast spread of content on social media: Case study of the United Kingdom quality publications - Anastasia Denisova, 2023 (, Intimacy and Emotions in Podcast Journalism: A Study of Award-Winning Australian and British Podcasts: Journalism Practice: Vol 17, No 4 ( 13. březnaTéma: Online datová žurnalistikaTexty k diskusi: A softer kind of hard news? Data journalism and the digital renewal of public service news in Sweden - Andreas Widholm, Ester Appelgren, 2022 (, Full article: The long history of OSINT (, Full article: The Affective Epistemology of Digital Journalism: Emotions as Knowledge Among On-the-Ground and OSINT Media Practitioners Covering the Russo-Ukrainian War (, Investigative journalism and the watchdog role of news media : Between acute challenges and exceptional counterbalances ( 20. březnaTéma: Online žurnalistika a algoritmyText k diskusi: Algorithm dependency in platformized news use - Nadja Schaetz, Emilija Gagrčin, Roland Toth, Martin Emmer, 2023 (, Clickbait news and algorithmic curation: A game theory framework of the relation between journalism, users, and platforms - Juliane A Lischka, Marcel Garz, 2023 (, Solving journalism with data: Silicon Valley’s influence on the Fourth Estate - Nadja Schaetz, Laura Laugwitz, Juliane A Lischka, 2023 ( 27. březnaTéma: Novináři a sociální sítě/platformyTexty k diskuzi: Social media as public opinion: How journalists use social media to represent public opinion - Shannon C McGregor, 2019 (, Burning out and turning off: Journalists’ disconnection strategies on social media - Diana Bossio, Avery E Holton, 2021 (, Verified play, precarious work: GamerGate and platformed authenticity in the cultural industries - Nelanthi Hewa, Christine H. Tran, 2023 (, Full article: Spaces of Negotiation: Analyzing Platform Power in the News Industry ( 3. dubnaTéma: Oslovování mladšího publikaTexty k diskuzi: What feels like news? Young people’s perceptions of news on Instagram - Joëlle Swart, Marcel Broersma, 2023 (, Let’s dance the news! How the news media are adapting to the logic of TikTok - Jorge Vázquez-Herrero, Mar


The aim of the course Online Journalism is to present the practical functioning of online media, especially the news media, in various ways. Therefore, it combines practical exercises using all formats in the online environment (both in written and audiovisual form), as well as lectures and debates.

The topics discussed include the online economy, media financing (also with the paid content), the expansion of web analytics and its impact on content and media design and audience behavior.