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Creative Workshop (Print)

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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a) seznámení s průběhem semináře b) práce podle zadání vyučujícího c) diskuse a hodnocení


This workshop is for all, who would like to understand how to write stories for newspapers and weekly magazines. The rhythm of our class will be very intense.

You will write during our workshop, you will have a deadline for a few days for an interview or reportage. Sounds like a very short time, but this is a reality in media and it is necessary for journalistic profession.

Students have to learn how to search a topic for their articles, check facts for their articles, learn how to do authorization and write under time pressure. The lecturer will explain to you how to write a report from press conference, thematic and profile interview.

Journalistic work is interesting, thrilling, adventurous, but also very emotional. Our workshop is training for reality, which will be soon your reality.