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Post-Digital Photojournalism

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Week 1 (5/10): Course Introduction and Foundations (100 minutes)

Overview of the Course Structure and Objectives

Contemporary photojournalism   

Week 2 (12/10):  Technology of photography process and photography skills (100 minutes)

Technology of Photography 

Online: Picture Editing  

Week 3 (19/10): Visual Storytelling Basics (100 minutes)

Aesthetics of Photojournalism and Composition 

Semestral Project I: Proposal   

Week 4 (26/10): Assignment I discussion (100 minutes)

Assignment I: Photo Story  

Week  5 (2/11): Light and Portrait Workshop I (100 minutes)

Lecture: Portrait, Light and Shadow  

Week  6 (9/11): Light and Portrait Workshop II (100 minutes)

Flash Photography   

Week 7 (16/11 and 17/11): Multimedia collaborative project I  16/10 Lecture  17/10 Multimedia collaborative project - Velvet Revolution  

Week 8 (23/11): Multimedia Collaborative Project II

Assignment II: Multimedia collaborative project   

Week 9 (30/11): Assignment III and Semestral Project II

Assignment III: Portrait 

Semestral Project II  (with Peer Review)  

Week 10 (7/12):  Industry Insights 

Guest Lecture (Professional Insights and Career Paths)  

Week  11  (14/12): Student presentation of inspiring contemporary photojournalistic work   

Week 12 (21/12): Semetral Project III

 Semestral Project III  

Week 13 (4/1/24): Fakery and ethics in photojournalism  

January: Semestral Project Finals

Student presentation of Semestral Project (with Peer Review)  


The MA course in Post-Digital Photojournalism provides comprehensive knowledge in the field of contemporary. photojournalism. The course design integrates theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical skills, fostering a holistic understanding of the subject. Including ethical discussions throughout the course should help the students to deliver responsible journalism. Students are encouraged to think critically about the ethical challenges they may encounter in their careers. Practical workshops on lighting, flesh photography, and multimedia enhance students' technical skills.