Úvodní setkání. Představení sylabu. Podmínky absolvování.
Data v médiích a mediálním výzkumu. Zdroje dat a vyhodnocování jejich kvality. Etické aspekty výzkumu.
Povinná literatura:• Hesse-Biber, S. N. 2010. The Ethics of Social Research. In Hesse-Biber, Leavy, P.: The Practice of Qualitative Research. Sage.• SIMAR. Test důvěryhodnosti výzkumu. https://simar.cz/verejne-mineni/test-duveryhodnosti-vyzkumu.html
Doporučená literatura:• Babbie, E. 2013. The Practice of Social Research. 13th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kap. 6: From Concept to Measurement, část Criteria of Measurement Quality, str. 187-194.• Bryman, A. 2012. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 6: Ethics and politics in social research, str. 130-154.• Ess, Ch. M. 2012. Internet research ethics. In Joinson A. N., McKenna, K. Y. A., Postmes, T. and Reips, U.D.: Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology. Oxford University Press.• Mith, D. 2003. Five principles for research ethics, APA, WWW: http://www.apa.org/monitor/jan03/principles.aspx• The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects (1979), http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/policy/belmont.html 3.
Design empirického výzkumu. Logika kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu. Typy proměnných.
Povinná literatura:• Babbie, E. 2013. The Practice of Social Research. 13th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kap. 6: From Concept to Measurement, str. 163-196.
Doporučená literatura:• Babbie, E. 2013. The Practice of Social Research. 13th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kap. 4: Purpose and Design of Research Projects, str. 88-122.• Blaikie, N. 2000. Designing Social Research. The Logic of Anticipation. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kap. 1.: Preparing Research Proposals and Research Designs, str. 12-34. Kap. 7: Methods for Answering Research Questions, str. 227-246.• Bryman, A. 2012. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 1: The Nature and Process of Social Research, str. 3-17. Kap. 3: Research Designs, str. 44-78.• Creswell, J. W. 2009. Research Design. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Third Edition. London: SAGE. Kap. 1: The Selection of a Research Design, str. 3-21.• de Vaus, D. 2001. Research Design in Social Research. London: SAGE. Kap. 1: The Context of Design, str. 1-16.• de Vaus, D. 1998. Surveys in Social Research. London: UCL Press. Kap. 2: Theory and Social Research, str. 11-26. Kap. 4: Developing Indicators for Concepts, str. 47-53.• Disman, M. 2002. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost. Praha: Karolinum. Kap. 6: Jak se to vlastně dělá, str. 120-138. Kap. 10: Ten druhý výzkum, str. 283-322.• Grey, D. E. 2004. Doing Research in the Real World. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE. Kap. 3: Selecting and Planning Good Research Projects, str. 35-64.• Hendl, J. 2005. Kvalitativní výzkum. Základní metody a aplikace. Praha: Portál. Kap. 2: Kvalitativní, kvantitativní a smíšený výzkum, str. 45-63. 4.
Průzkumy veřejného mínění a informování o jejich výsledcích. Výběr výzkumného souboru a reprezentativita.
Povinná literatura:• The British Polling Council. 2020. A Quick Guide for Journalists to the Use and Reporting of Opinion Polls. http://www.britishpollingcouncil.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/bpc-guide-for-journalists.pdf?pdf=bpc-guide-for-journalists
Doporučená literatura:• AAPOR. Questions to Ask When Writing About Polls (https://www.aapor.org/Education-Resources/For-Media/Questions-to-Ask-When-Writing-About-Polls.aspx)• ESOMAR. FAQs on opinion and election polls. https://esomar.org/uploads/attachments/ckqwggher0bzakdtr087vkouf-esomar-faqs-on-opinion-and-election-polls.pdf• ESOMAR/WAPOR. 2019. Guide to opinion polls and published surveys. http://www.jmra-net.or.jp/Portals/0/rule/guideline/02_WAPOR-ESOMAR_Guidelines.pdf• MRS-IMPRESS. 2019. Using surveys and polling data in your journalism. https://www.mrs.org.uk/pdf/IMPRESS%20MRS%20Guidance%20FINAL1.pdf• SIMAR. Pravidla publikování výzkumu veřejného mínění. https://simar.cz/verejne-mineni/jak-se-pozna-duveryhodny-zdroj.html• Babbie, E. 2013. The Practice of Social Research. 13th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kap. 5: Sampling Logic, str. 123-162.• Bryman, A. 2012. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 8: Sampling, str. 183-207.• Deacon, D. et al. 1999. Researching Communications. A Practical Guide to Methods in Media and Cultural Analysis. London: Arnold. Kap. 3: Selecting and Sampling, str. 40-61.• Disman, M. 2002. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost. Praha: Karolinum. Kap. 5 Kolik vran musíme pozorovat, str. 91-118. 5.
Analýza kvalitativních dat
Povinná literatura:• Bryman, A. 2012. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kap. 24: Qualitative data analysis, str. 565-588.
Doporučená literatura:• Babbie, E. 2013. The Practice of Social Research. 13th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kap. 13: Analyzing Qualitative Data, str. 389-440.• Braun, V. a Victoria Clarke, V. 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 77-101.• Kelle, U. Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis. In: Seale, C., Gobo, G., Gubrium, J.F., Silverman, D. Qualitative Research Practice. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE Publications. 6.
Průběžný test
Práce s hromadnými daty v prostředí programu Jamovi. Konstrukce datové matice. Editace a transformace dat.
Povinná literatura:• Navarro, D.J. and Foxcroft, D.R. 2019. Learning statistics with Jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.70). Kap. 3: Getting started with Jamovi, str. 43-55. Kap. 3: Getting started with Jamovi, str. 43-55; Kap. 6.3: Transforming and recoding a variable, str. 105-114.• Jamovi User guide. https://www.jamovi.org/user-manual.html
Doporučená literatura:• Clegg, F. 2002. Simple statistics. A course book for the social sciences. Kap. 1: Why do we need statistics? (pp. 1-12), kap. 10: What´s in a number? (pp. 79-86). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.• De Vaus, D. 2002. Analyzing social science data. Kap. 2 How to code questions with multiple answers? str. 10-16. London: SAGE Publications.• Jamovi tutorial: Episodes 1 (Opening data files), 2 (Data editor) and 3 (Results editor) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvYqRUmlLZUOSjDKeEiukZWayxpuiFPRp 8.
Rozložení kategorizovaných dat. Rozložení spojitých dat a jejich charakteristiky.
Povinná literatura:• Navarro, D.J. and Foxcroft, D.R. 2019. Learning statistics with Jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.70). Kap. 4: Descriptive statistics, str. 59-84; Kap. 6.1: Tabulating and cross-tabulating data, str. 98-101.
Doporučená literatura:• Clegg, F. 2002. Simple statistics. A course book for the social sciences. Kap. 2: Measures of central tendency (pp. 13-23) a kap. 3: Measures of Dispersion (pp. 24-30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.• Jamovi tutorial: Episodes 4 (Descriptive statistics), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvYqRUmlLZUOSjDKeEiukZWayxpuiFPRp 9.
Statistická inference, normální rozložení a základy testování hypotéz.
Povinná literatura:• Navarro, D.J. and Foxcroft, D.R. 2019. Learning statistics with Jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.70). Kap. 8: Estimating unknown quantities from a sample, str. 151-180. Kap. 9: Hypothesis testing, str. 181-208.
Doporučená literatura:• Clegg, F. 2002. Simple statistics. A course book for the social sciences. Kap. 4: The normal distribution (pp. 31-42), kap. 5: Probability (pp. 43-48), kap 6: What are statistical tests all about? (pp. 49-56), kap. 7: Hypothesis (pp. 57-63) a kap. 8: Significance (pp. 64-66). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.• De Vaus, D. 2002. Analyzing social science data. Kap. 23-25 (pp. 166-179). London: SAGE Publications.• Mohr, L. B. 1990. Understanding significance testing. Kap. 5 Significance testing (pp. 49-64). Newbury Park: Sage publications.• Ziliak, S.T. and McCloskey, D. N. 2008. The cult of statistical significance: how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 10.
Bivariační analýza. Kontingenční tabulka. Korelace.
Povinná literatura:• Navarro, D.J. and Foxcroft, D.R. 2019. Learning statistics with Jamovi: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners. (Version 0.70). Kap. 10 (od 10.1 do 10.5): Categorical data analysis, str. 211-232 a Kap. 12.1 Correlations, str. 281-291.
Cílem kurzu je seznámit studující s rolí dat a jejich analýzou v oblasti médií, přičemž kurz se věnuje jak oblasti prezentace dat v médiích, tak i analýze dat v mediálním výzkumu.