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Backpack and mobile journalism

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Digital technologies for video recording

Methods of filming with a video camera, camera and smartphone

Sequence filming, one-shot filming

Sound recording, methods of conducting an interview

Mobile journalism and its usage within news production

Basic functions of a smartphone's camera, methods of shooting, editing and publishing

Specifics of using a smartphone for news, limitations, editing

Methods of multi-camera live streamings


The aim of this course is to apprise the students with the latest methods of journalistic work (MoJo, SoJo, one man crew. These methods are typical for its "one man crew" character - this means that the journalist is a reporter, a cameraman/camerawoman and an editor.

Usage of modern technologies such as handheld cameras, DSLRs, smartphones and tablets is typical. These devices also allow users to produce journalistic live content - live streaming of events - and its publishing on websites and/or social networks.