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East Asian Media

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FALL 2021 class schedule (preliminary) 1 Introduction: Asia as a method (Oct 5) DISSANAYAKE, W. (2009) "The Production of Asian Theories of Communication: Contexts and Challenges" Asian Journal of Communication, 19(4), 453-468.WANG, G., SHEN, V. (2000). "East, West, Communication, and Theory: Searching for the Meaning of Searching for Asian Communication Theories" Asian Journal of Communication, 10(2), 14-32. 2 Political economy of East Asia (Oct 12) KASAHARA, S. (2013) "The Asian Developmental State and the Flying Geese Paradigm" UNCTAD/OSG/DP/2013/3 [] 3 Japanese cultural industries (Oct 19) ITO, Y. (1990) "The Trade Winds Change: Japan's Shift from an Information Importer to an Information Exporter, 1965-1985" Communication Yearbook, 13, 430-465.IWABUCHI, K. (2002) Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism. Duke University Press. (Introduction: The 1990s – Japan's Return to Asia, pp. 1-22, Chapter 1: Taking 'Japanization' Seriously: Cultural Globalization Reconsidered", pp. 23-50) 4 Japanese journalism (Oct 26)KINGSTON, J (2018) "Watchdog Journalism in Japan Rebounds but Still Compromised" Journal of Asian Studies, 77(4), 881–893. 5 Korean wave (Nov 2)WALSH, J. (2014) "Hallyu as a Government Construct: The Korean Wave in the Context of Economic and Social Development " in: Kuwahara, Y. ed.

The Korean Wave: Korean Popular Culture in Global Context. Palgrave, 13-31.PARK, G.

S. "Manufacturing Creativity: Production, Performance, and Dissemination of KPop" Korea Journal, 53(4), 14-33. 6 Chinese Cultural Revolution (Nov 9) BROMAN, B. M. (1969) " Tatzepao: Medium of Conflict in China's "Cultural Revolution" Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 46(1), 100-104. 7 Chinese media in post-Mao era (Nov 23)JERNOW, A.

L. (1993) “Don’t Force us to Lie”: The Struggle of Chinese Journalists in the Reform Era. Committee to Protect Journalists.GOLDMAN, M. (1994) “The Role of the Press in Post-Mao Political Struggles” in: Lee, C.C. ed.

China’s Media, Media’s China. Westview Press, 23-36. 8 Xi Jinping and digital dystopia (Nov 30)CREEMES, R. (2015) "Cyber Leninism: History, Political Culture and the Internet in China." []HAN, R. (2015) "Defending the Authoritarian Regime Online: China’s ‘Voluntary Fifty-cent Army’." The China Quarterly, 224, 1006-1025. 9 Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore (Dec 7)George, C. (2012) Freedom from the Press.

NUS Press. (Chapters 1-2, pp. 1-45)HSU, C. J. (2014) "China's Influence on Taiwan's Media" Asia Survey, 54(3), 515-539. 10 Implications: globalization, hybridization (Dec 14)SCHILLER, H. (1991) "Not Yet the Post-Imperialist Era" Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 8(1), 13-28.STRAUBHAAR, J. (2008) "Global, Hybrid or Multiple? Cultural Identities in the Age of Satellite TV and the Internet" Nordicom Review, 29(2), 11-30. 11 Final class (Dec 21)No readings.