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Specialised German II

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



- Kulturelle Aspekte der deutschsprachigen Länder - Feste und Feiertage

- Politisches System der Schweiz

- Laufende Volksinitiativen und Volksabstimmungen

- Sprachliche Besonderheiten des Schweizerdeutschen      

- Tourismus in der Schweiz  

Grammar of B2 a C1:

- Konjunktiv II. and I.

- Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen

- Präfixverben    


The course is designed for BA and MA students with B2 and C1 level. The objective of the course is to expand students´ vocabulary necessary for understanding academic texts related to the above mentioned disciplines.

Emphasis is also put on the revision of grammatical structures and the ability of students to express their ideas in cultivated German both oral and written.