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Specialised Spanish I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


- Units 1, 2 (Aula Internacional Plus 4):

Unidad 1: participar en la redacción de un medio de comunicación. 

Recursos comunicativos: referirnos a una noticia y comentarla, redactar una noticia.

Recursos gramaticales: tiempos del pasado, uso de la voz pasiva, construcciones impersonales.

Recursos léxicos: verbos de transmisión de la información, medios de comunicación, acontecimientos noticiables.  

Unidad 2: celebrar una asamblea.

Recurso comunicativos: opinar y valorar, aludiar a temas o intervenciones previas, poner condiciones, hacer, respaldar o rechazar una propuesta.

Recursos gramaticales: indicativo / subjuntivo. El imperfecto de subjuntivo.

Recursos léxicos: léxico relacionado con el sistema educativo, verbos con preposición.   

- Topics for specific purposes.  

At the beginning of the course an analysis of the needs and interests of the students will be carried out to adapt specific contents.


This course is designed for students of all the study disciplines offered at the FSV UK. The pre-requisite for this course is a required minimum knowledge of upper-intermediate level (B1+/B2). The course aims to enlarge the vocabulary of general as well as specialized nature, solidify grammar structures and improve communication skills.

Due to the fact that the number of students interested in the courses of Spanish language exceeds their capacity, it is necessary to take the entrance test to decide who will be admitted to the course and who will not.

The test will be written in B103B (5.10 at 17:00 a.m.)

Tests will be evaluated immediately afterwards and students who do not meet the requirements for admission will be notified and withdrawn from the course.

It is impossible to write the test in any other day due to organizational reasons. The syllabus of individual courses stipulates all the preliminary requirements. The syllabus of individual courses stipulates all the preliminary requirements.