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Chinese III

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



Pronunciations 1. Initials and finals; 3. Chinese syllable chart;

Characters & Words1. 100 basic words about daily life; 2. Memorize 50 basic radicals of characters; 3. Relationship between characters and words.

Grammar 1. Basic sentence orders; 2. Some common nouns, verbs, adjectives, personal pronouns, adverb, numerals, etc; 3. Basic description about people and stuff.

Function 1. Ordering food in restaurant; 2. Shopping and bargain; 3. Chinese character computer input.


Listening 1. Numbers; 2. Greeting and appellation; 3. Basic short conversation.

Speaking 1. Response to others' greeting; 2. Introducing yourself and family.

Reading 1. Repeat and recite teachers' words and short sentences; 2. Distinguish numbers and personal information; 3. Understand characters of greeting, thank. 4. Recognize 50 basic radicals of characters.

Writing: 50 basic radicals of characters, imitate the characters in the lesson with right stroke orders.

Culture points 1. Roughly know about the Chinese geography and history; 2. Experiencing Chinese cuisine,  architecture.  

Week 1                 2.10.2015             Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Introductions about Chinese III 2.       Check Students’ Level, Review the Previous Topics and Preview Lesson 13 (Topic: Chinese Cuisine) 3.       Introduction about Chinese Character  4.       Extending Knowledge about China & Chinese: China from above                

Week 2                 9.10.2015             Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part I of Lesson 13           Chinese cuisine

               New words

               Text 1 2.       Grammar: 我要…… (How to order in restaurant)

                                      ……呢(The usage of "ne")

                                   V/V+O 的 N 3.       Activity& Practice 4.       Chinese Character 5.       Extending Knowledge about China & Chinese: Chinese Cuisine& Chopsticks   

Week 3                 16.10.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part II of Lesson 13          Chinese Cuisine

                    New Words

                    Text 2

   Grammar: "会" Modal verb

                                     "太……了" too+…… 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending Knowledge about China & Chinese:  Chinese Tea & Drinks               

Week 4                 23.10.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part I of lesson 14            To borrow and return books

New Words

Text 1

Grammar: 联动句 Sentence with serial verb phrases

                  The usage of "几" 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Chinese Character and Calligraphy                

Week 5                 30.10.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105 1.       Part II of lesson 14           To borrow and return books

New Words

Text 2

Grammar: The usage of "得" Modal verb

                    The usage of "对了"

                     Preposition "替" 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Chinese Character and Calligraphy                                

Week 6                 6.11.2015             Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part I of lesson 15            Chinese Currency

New Words

Text 1

Grammar:  Exchange Rate


Reduplication of the Verb 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Four Treasures of Chinese scholar &Chinese Painting                

Week 7                 13.11.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105                      1.       Part II of lesson 15           Chinese Currency

New Words

Text 2

Grammar:  Chinese Address


                    Sentences with "有"   2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character: 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Ancient Chinese currency and Chinese Seal cutting  

Week 8                 20.11.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part I of lesson 16            To send mail and parcel

New Words

Text 1

Grammar:  Verb "了"

                     Prefix of ordinal numbers"第"                      2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Traditional Chinese Ideology +Virtues of China                

Week 9                 27.11.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105      1.       Part II of lesson 16           To send mail and parcel

New Words

Text 2

Grammar: "什么样"

                    "哪"+Measure Word+N. 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character: 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese:                 

Week 10              4.12.2015             Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105                      1.       Part I of lesson 17            To rent an apartment

New Words

Text 1

Grammar: Rhetorical question with "不是……吗?"

                     The way to describe an apartment 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Ancient Chinese Architecture (Palace+Classical Gardens)    

Week 11              11.12.2015           Fr 10:30 - 13:10  O105                      1.       Part II of lesson 17           To rent an apartment

New Words

Text 2

Grammar:"是" expressing existence

                     Reduplication of the verbs

                   Location words +"边"                 2.       Activity & Practice 3.       Chinese Character 4.       Extending the Knowledge about China and Chinese: Ancient Chinese Architecture (Palace+Classical Gardens)    

Week 12              18.12.2015        Fr 10:30 - 13:10     O105   1.       Review lesson 13 to 17 2.       Final Examination       


The Chinese course will acquaint students with both linguistic knowledge and communication skills about Mandarin Chinese, cultivate their interests about Chinese culture. Course will be given by Ms. Bing Han, a Chinese teacher from Pargue branch, Confucius Institute, Palacky University in Olomouc.

The course is offered within the programme of lifelong education. FSV students enrolled in programmes offered in foreign languages who cover their own tuition are exempt from the course payment in accordance with the Regulations of Lifelong Education of Charles University. The tuition for other participants amounts to 6,530CZK per 2 semesters.

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The students finished this section should be able to try the official Chinese proficiency test (HSK) level 2.