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French Foundation Course II

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The course follows the course JLB069, which takes place in the winter semester, and covers lessons ("unités") 3 to 6 of the textbook Édito A1 :

Unité 4 Les soldes, c´est parti !

Unité 5 C´est quoi le programme ?

Unité 6 Félicitations !

Students will learn to talk about shopping, describe everyday objects, talk about daily activities, leisure activities, their family, and describe people (physical description, caracter). 

The textbook is focused ont the balanced development of all competences (listening, reading comprehension, oral and written production).


The course is intended for all Bachelor's and Master's degree students who started studying French during the Winter Semester and want to continue to developp their language skills. Students of Bachelor's degree programmes will be given precedence in the course enrollment.