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Czech as a Foreign Language III

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Week 1 - 2: How do we describe emotions?

Weeks 3 - 4: What do we say when we are sick?

Weeks 5 - 6: What do we wear and what do we look like?


Week 7 - 8: How do we apologize?

Week 9 - 10: How do we say where we have been?

Week 11 - 12: How do we plan?

Week 13: What do we say when we are visiting?

Final exam


Czech for Intermediate I. covers the level A2 /B1. The textbook you can find here:, in this course will be covered lesson 8-14 (topics: What to do when we are sick, How to apologize, How do we look like and what do we wear, How do we plan, What we do on a visit).

Considering organization:24 classes are held twice a week, one lesson lasts 80 minutes, cca 40 minutes students complete their self- study duties. It's necessary to take both lessons per week. The course takes place for 12 weeks during regular faculty term.

The price for course is 4800 CZK (equivalent to cca. 180 Euro)

FSV students enrolled in bachelor's and master's programmes offered in foreign languages who cover their own tuition are exempt from the fee.

In case You miss first two classes without any apology, active students from the waiting list get automatically Your place.