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Czech for Chinese speaking students I

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1. týden                                            What's Your name?  Where are You from? What do You do? How are You?                                                            it is/it's not, numbers 0-10,/phonetics

                                                          /verb to be, to have, to do, "-a"conjugation (L1)   2.  týden                                           Telephon and email, profession, well X wrong (L1)   3.týden                                              Locality and Orientation: excuse me, do You know where is…? Here X There                                                            up x down, on the right X on the left / to the right  X to the left,                                                            genitiv case  with prepositions from, next to,to

                                                           How do You go to school? /instrumental case  "- i" verbs. (L2) 4. týden                                             Address, numbers 10 -10 000, food and drink, resataurant, what do You like? /verb to like, to read, to drink, to eat + accusative case (L3) 5.týden                                              My family, do You have a brother/sister? How old is he/she. I am ....years old./ adjectives, "e reg."verbs, possessives  (L4) 6. týden                                             midterm test (20min): grammar and vocabulary from lesson 1-3.

                                                           When is it?When we will meet? What do You like to do?/modal verbs, prepositions with genitive and accusative case (do/na) (L5) 7.týden.                                            Famous people / past tense, second position (se), (L6)                     8. týden                                             What do You know... three differents verbs  (znát, vědět, umět) (L6) 9. týden                                             Where were You? /locative case: Where?              10. týden                                           What's the weather today/locative case (L6) 11. týden                                           Where have You been during vacation? How was it? Preposition with locative X  Prepositions with genitive and accusative case. 12. týden                                        Training for  the final test and oral exam.  


Czech for Chinese speaking students covers the first half of level A1 (A1/1). Concerning large differences between Czech and Chinese in our course,phonetics and pronounciation is emphasised from the very beginning. Lessons are practically oriented,helping students understand and react in basic communicative situations as: Getting to know each other, Directions, Orientation in the city, My Family, Time and Days in Week, When will we meet etc.

Even if Czech grammar is simplified as much as possible, students still get acquainted with Accusative case(direct object), Locative case, Instrumental case and Genitive case with their typical prepositions and use.

Considering organization:24 classes are held twice a week, one lesson lasts two real hours (3X40min) and it's necessary to take both lessons per week. The course takes place for 12 weeks during regular faculty term.

The price for course is 4800 CZK (equivalent to cca. 180 Euro)

FSV students enrolled in programmes offered in foreign languages who cover their own tuition are exempt from the fee.

In case You miss first two classes without any apology, active students from the waiting list get automatically Your place.