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English through Current Affairs

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


-Students will spend the semester becoming familiar with and discussing current affairs and events around the globe broken up by region.

-Through our discussions we will work on language development, closely examining problematic areas as well as broadening vocabulary related to social sciences.

-Due to the nature of this course attendance is very important; students are allowed one unexcused absence without penalty.  


Students will prepare a 10 minute presentation covering an important, ongoing event in a chosen region.

- The presentation should be in depth enough to inform the class of the event and promote discussion (at least two discussion questions must be on the final slide).

- Presentations should not be on a topic similar to those that the instructor will be focusing on that week.

Presentations not given on the assigned class must be given in the following class for half credit (barring a credible excuse).  


Students will prepare a briefing of at least 500 words covering an ongoing or recent (within the past year) event or affair to be turned in the Friday before the lesson at midnight.

The topic should not be in the same region or covering the same event/affair as the topic of the student’s presentation. Briefings not turned in by the assigned class must be turned in the following class for half credit (barring a credible excuse).

Even in such a short briefing, using headings can be helpful to organize the content. 

Sample briefings can be found on the following links:  

Week 1  Introduction to course, syllabus discussion, presentation instructions 

Week 2 Europe 

Week 3 Europe

Week 4 North America

Week 5 North America

Week 6  Middle East/North Africa

Week 7  Middle East/North Africa

Week 8  East Asia

Week 9 East Asia 

Week 10  Easter Monday, No Class

Week 11 South East Asia 

Week 12 Latin America

Week 13 Africa

Should a 'significant' event (war / disaster / etc.) occur during the course the schedule might be adjusted.  

Presentation & Briefing sign-up   

Zoom Link

To be added if the course is given online. 


The course is aimed at students who want to further develop their communication skills in English and discuss ongoing events in this language.

Depending on the covid situation, the course will be in person or online on Zoom. In case of online teaching the Zoom link will be added to the syllabus below.