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Academic English II

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Last update: Andrew Goodall, D.Phil. (10.09.2023)

We shall read (and occasionally listen to or watch extracts) from a range of English-language sources in various genres and media, responses to which will form the basis for exploring techniques of language and composition in academic genres at a micro and macro level (for example, rhetorical figures, formal English vocabulary, citation conventions, the structure of argumentative essays, register in verbal and written presentations).

Vocabulary, grammar and composition exercises will be based on material from Oxford EAP C1, and other textbooks (see under Literature).

Details of the syllabus will be given on the Moodle course Academic English II, access to which will be given to participants after the first class; relevant study materials will also be posted on this Moodle page (for dissemination only among registered users).  


An opportunity to further develop speaking, listening and writing skills in English, with a specific focus on language features of academic discourse.