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Introduction to the social sciences I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1)Intriduction - science, social sciences, methods, methodologies, scientific work 2)Scientific text - styles (compilation, comparison, survey paper,scientific essay, book review, book annotation, etc.) 3)Scientific text - the structure (introduction, chapters, conclusion, etc.) 4)Scientific text - requirements(abstract, summary, foot-notes, citations, bibliography, annexes, tables, etc.) 5)How to speek (paper, discussion, polemic) 6)Ethics of scientific work (common known facts, originality of the text, citations, paraphrases) 7)Empirical-analytic vs. normative approach, objectivity and subjectivity in social sciences (Weber vs. Strauss) 8)Basic theoretical approaches I. (institutionalism and behavioralism) 9)Basic theoretical approaches II. (rational choice and the theory of games, system analysis) 10)Basic theoretical approaches III. (normative theories) 11)Methods I. (qualitative and quantitative methods) 12)Methods II. (comparative method)


Introduction to the basic methods and methodologies of social sciences.