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Modern history of Lithuania

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. The ethnogenesis of Lithuanians 2.Lithuanian mediavel state 3.

The Polish-Litháuanian union 4. The annexation to Russia 5.

Lithuanian national movement 6..The WWI and foundation of a modern state 7. Political and economic development of inter-war Lithuania 8.Vilnius and Klaipeda(Memel) question 9.Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and Soviet annexation 10.

The WWII and holocaust 11. Sovietization proces and national resistence 12.

Perestroika and restoration of independence


The course follows up freely with Estonian and Latvian historical discourse. It is focused on development of Lithuanian history since the formation of a mediavel state, union with Poland and annexation to Russia to problems of modern Lithuanian history in the XX century.