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Historical Geography in Western European Countries

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Historical Geography in Western European Countries

The lesson will focus on the territorial and social formation of European nation states, the structure of state territory and the making of its border, as well as on the national symbolic images of western european states and its role in the making of national identities.  

Zoom link to the lesson every Friday from 12:30 to 14:00  : 913 1905 5215password : 473229  


Active participation (10%)

Students are required do read the mandatory texts for each class and be prepared to answer questions related to it in the class. Repeated failures to answer questions in class will lower student’s score.

Class Presentation (40%)

What will be expected: 15 mn presentation

Paper based on the presentation

Students will write a short paper about the chosen presentation's topic.  Minimum length: 6400 characters with spaces.

Send the paper  to Pauli Bauer ( 

Due date for the paper: to be delivered for June 5th, 2021  

Final exam (50%), The 10th of June at 6:00pm, the subjects of the final exam fill be sent by email. Students must send their essay (word of pdf file) back via moodle on 11th of June, 2021, no later than 23:59!  

Session‘s plan 1. 19. 02: Introductive presentation: concept of the course & examination 2. 05.03  A long-term  historical geography of Europe  3. 12.03: Image of Europe, Cultural Landscape in western european mind 1/2 4. 19.03: Image of Europe, Cultural Landscape in western european mind 2/2 6. 26.03: Borders and frontiers Niel 7. 02.04: Easter weekend  8. 09.04:The Idea of nature Cécile, The formation of the territory of France, Alice  9. 16.04: Czechoslovakia Emma 10. 23.04 The German lands and Germany Maxence & Eliska 11. 14.05 Belgium Paul & Petr 12. 10.6 Final Examination


Basic literature (JINONICE a NKP):  (JINONICE) 

BUTLIN, R a R DODGSHON. An historical geography of Europe. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. (JINONICE)

EAST, W. Gordon (William Gordon). An Historical Geography of Europe. London : Mathuen, 1967 (NKP)

HONZÁK, František, Marek PEČENKA, František STELLNER a Jitka VLČKOVÁ. Evropa v proměnách staletí. 3., aktualiz. vyd. Praha: Libri, 2001. (JINONICE)

POUNDS, Norman John Greville. An historical geography of Europe. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994, c1990 (NKP)  

Literature for the presentation:   

BAILONI, Mark a Delphine PAPIN. Atlas géopolitique du Royaume-Uni: les nouveaux défis d'une vieille puissance. Paris: Autrement, 2009

BARON-YELLES, Nacima. Atlas de l'Espagne: une metamorphose inachevée. Paris: Autrement, 2009.

BARRÉ, Bertrand a Bernadette MERÉNNE-SCHOUMAKER. Atlas des energies mondiales: un developpement equitable et propre est-il possible?. Paris: Autrement, c2011.

BLANCHON, David. Atlas mondial de l'eau: de l'eau pour tous. Paris: Autrement, c2009.

BOUTIER, Jean, Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN a Gilles PECOUT. Grand atlas de l'histoire de France. Paris: Editions Autrement, 2011.

BRES, Antoine a Thierry SANJUAN. Atlas Paris. Paris: Editions Autrement, 2011.

BUTLIN, R a R DODGSHON. An historical geography of England and Wales. London: Academic Press, 1978. (PřF)

BUTLIN, R. Geographies of empire: European empires and colonies, c. 1880-1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, c2009.

CARO, Patrice a Remi ROUAULT. Atlas des fractures scolaires en France: une ecole a plusieurs vitesses. Paris: Autrement, 2010.

DELÉPINE, Samuel. Atlas des Tsiganes: les dessous de la question Rom. Paris: Editions Autrement, c2012.  


DESHAIES, Michel. Atlas de l'Allemagne: les contrastes d'une puissance en mutation. Paris: Autrement, 2011.

DOREL-FERRE, Gracia. Atlas historique de la Catalogne: la culture comme destin. Paris: Autrement, c2010.

DUFFY, Seán a Maurice GOLDRING. Atlas historique de l'Irlande: [passions et tumultes]. Paris: Éditions Autrement, 2002.

GOURLAY, Florence a Ronan LE DELEZIR. Atlas de la Bretagne: les dynamiques du développement durable. Paris: Autrement, 2011.

HAYWOOD, John a Barry W CUNLIFFE. Atlas historique des Celtes. Paris: Éd. Autrement, 2002.

NOIRIEL, Gérard. Atlas de l'immigration en France: exclusion, intégration--. Paris: Autrement, 2002.

PÉCOUT, Gilles. Atlas de l'histoire de France. Paris: Autrement, 2007.

PLASSERAUD, Yves a Cecile MARIN. Atlas des minorites en Europe: de l'Atlantique a l'Oural, diversite culturelle. Paris: Autrement, c2005.

PLANHOL, Xavier de. An historical geography of France. Digitally printed 1st pbk. version. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

TURNOCK, David. The historical geography of Scotland since 1707: geographical aspects of modernisation. 1st pbk. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

WINTLE, Michael J. The image of Europe: visualizing Europe in cartography and iconography throughout the ages. 1st pub. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Atlas des villes durables: écologie, urbanisme, société : l'Europe est-elle un modele. Paris: Autrement, 2011.  

Available at CEFRES.   

SAUDAN Marie « Géographie historique », Hypothèses 1/2001 (), p. 13-25.

FOUCHER Michel, Fronts et frontières: un tour du monde géopolitique. 1991, Paris: Fayard.

FOUCHER Michel Evropská republika Brno : Barrister & Principal, 2002. (JINONICE)

DUBY, Georges. Dir. Atlashistorique : l'histoire du monde en 317 cartes / Dir. Georges Duby. - Paris : Larousse, 1987.

BRUNET Roger (dir.), Géographie Universelle, Belin Reclus, 1996.   www.Cairn Info: Collection of publications in the French language in the humanities and social sciences available online in free full access at the Cefres (french Institute).


U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: FranceNational Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) (In French only) . National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) .  

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

Historical Geography in Western European Countries - Historicka Geografie v Zapadni Evrope

The lesson will focus on the territorial and social formation of European nation states, the structure of state territory and the making of its border, as well as on the national symbolic images of western european states and its role in the making of national identities.