Historical geography I., world in 1492, 1648, 1803, 1914
Historical geography II: world in 1925, 1942, 1988
Historical geography III: colonialism and its aftermath
Japan Korea
Political geography I.: Current international organizations and military alliances, NATO, EU, OSCE, NAFTA, FTAA, ASEAN
Southeast Asia
Political geography II: Types of states, administrative divisions, electoral districts
Australia, New Zealand
Economic geography I: distribution of wealth, natural resources
USA and Canada - Eastern part
Economic geography II: main trade routes, communication lines
USA and Canada - Western part
Economic geography III: energy resources, oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy
Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
Economic geography IV: multinational corporations, international financial flows
Spanish Latin America
Environmental aspects of geography I: climate change, deforestation, human impact on the planet
Environmental aspects of geography II: food production, impact of agriculture, fertilizers
Muslim Africa
Gender aspects of geography, education, employment
Subsaharan Africa
Postmodern perspectives on geography, death of geography?
The course Introduction to geography II. has two principle objectives - first, to introduce general theoretical approaches regarding the relationship between territoriality and political, social and historical developments. Second, to apply these concepts in specific locations and highlight the spatial aspects of political and social controversies.