Presentation: "Borders-limits-frontiers in Europe"
Historical geography of France
Topic 1: Historical geography as a discpiline. Concept of the "West".
- Presentation 1: Commentary of Alan R.H. BAKER: ?On the relations of geography and history?, in Ibid. : Geography and History, Cambridge University Press 2003, s. 1-36.
- Pr. 2: Commentary of Samuel HUNTINGTON: ?The Clash of Civilizations?, Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, no. 3., summer 1993, s. 22-49.
- Pr. 3: Commentary of Johan HUIZINGA: ?Východ a Západ jako kulturně-historické protiklady?, in Miloš HAVELKA, Ladislav CABADA (ed.): Západní, východní a střední Evropa jako kulturní a politické pojmy, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni 2000, s. 6-13.
Historical geography of GB and Ireland
Topic 2: Limits of Europe.
- Pr 1: Where are the limits of Europe?
- Pr 2: Commenatry of Milan KUNDERA: ?Únos Západu?, in M. HAVELKA, L. CABADA (ed.): Západní, východní a střední Evropa..., op.cit., s. 102-116 .
- Pr 3: Jenö Szücs: Tri historické regióny Európy, Bratislava 2001.
Historical geography of Italy
Topic 3: European nationalism
- Pr 1: How did West European nations come into being?
- Pr 2: Commentary of Ernest RENAN: ?Co je národ??, in Miroslav HROCH (ed.): Pohledy na národ a nacionalismus. Čítanka textů., Praha 2003, s. 24-35
Historical geography of Spain an Portugal
Topic 4: Secularization. Confession and capitalism.
- Pr 1: A godless Western Europe?
- Pr 2: Commentary of Max WEBER: ?Protestantská etika a duch kapitalismu?, in Ibid.: Metodologie, sociologie a politika, Praha 1998, s. 185-246.
Historical geography of Switzerland
Topic 5: Particularities of Western European "Weg"?
- Pr 1: German Sonderweg
- Pr 2: Commentary of Ute FREVERT: ?Honour and Middle-Class Culture: the History of the Duel in England and Germany?, in Jürgen KOCKA, Allan MITCHELL: The Bourgeois society in nineteenth-century Europe, Oxford 1993, s. 207-241.
Historical geography of Germany
Topic 6: (West)european integration I
- Pr 1: Origins of Cold War
HG of Belgium and Luxembourg
Topic 7: (West)european integration II
- Pr 1: West European social model (Hartmut KAELBLE: ?Social History of European Integration?, La revue Tocqueville, č. 1/1995)
- Pr 2: Wets European family.
HG of the Netherlands
Topic 8: (West)european integration III
- Pr 1: Does a European identity exist?
- Pr 2: West European anti-americanism.
- Pr 3: Commentary of HERGÉ: Tintin v Americe, Praha 2004.
HG of Scandinavia
Topic 9: (West)european integration IV
- Pr 1: What is European history?
- Pr 2: Commentary of Timothy Garton ASH: ?How is Memory Formed??, Identity and Memory, Paris 2007, s. 46-56.
The seminar presents the basic problems of historico-geographical evolutions of Western Europe.