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American Media, Culture and Globalization

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IMS FSV UK – Katedra severoamerických studií



Tomáš Klvaňa, Ph D, M.A


American Media, Culture and Globalization

Class Description

With the onset of globalization, very few industries have gone through changes so profound as media. The journalism business model has collapsed. Digital communication has transformed ways we communicate and argue, vote, make a living, organize our economy and politics. Political, cultural and economic changes influenced by globalism and instantaneous communication made us question basic assumptions of our lives. They shape how we prosper, dream and fear. The course helps students to think about, analyze and evaluate the interplay of media, communication, culture, politics and economy.

Desired Outcomes

Students will understand key globalization trends and processes as they manifest themselves in culture, media, economy and politics. They will demonstrate an ability to use and apply relevant concepts, and gain insights into the world increasingly shaped by media.

Assessment Components 10%   -- Class Attendance 20%   -- Class Activity

·       Discussion moderated by professor based on course reading, films and lectures

·       Possible short quizzes based on readings

·       Short student presentations 35% -- Midterm Examination (several short essay-type answers; closed book and notes: students will not be allowed to use any course or internet resources) 35% -- Final Examination (three hand-written essays in class; comprehensive; open notes and books: students are allowed to use the course resources)

A failure to submit or fulfill any of the above would result in the F grade for the course.

Assessment Expectations

Grade A: Excellent work demonstrating a critical and observant approach to the subject, sound research and an ability to express thoughts cogently and persuasively. Grade B: Very good work. Grade C: Satisfactory work. Grade F: Failure to achieve a passable standard.


A = 91-100, B = 81-90, C = 71-80, F = 70 and below

Required Text(s)

Articles/Papers (available online)

·       David Kushner – The Masked Avengers: How Anonymous incited online vigilantism from Tunisia to Ferguson. The New Yorker, Sept. 8, 2014

·       Adrian Chen – The Agency. The New York Times, June 2, 2015

·       Shoshana Zuboff – Disruption’s Tragic Flaw. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 23, 2015

·       Shoshana Zuboff – The Secrets of Surveillance Capitalism. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 5, 2016  


·       David Leigh, Luke Harding  - WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy (Introduction; Chapters 1-5 and 9-13)

·       Evgeny Morozov – The Net Delusion: How Not to Liberate the World (Chapters 1-6)

·       Jaron Lanier – Who Owns the Future? (Parts 1,2,3,6 and the Conclusion)  

Films and Videos

·       We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012), a documentary film by Brian Knappenberger -

·       We Steal Secrets – The Story of WikiLeaks (2013). A documentary film by Alex Gibney -

·       Kony 2012. A campaign video by The Invisible Children, an NGO

·       Tickling Giants. A film by Sara Taksler (2016)

·       Stand-Up Comedy by Maz Jobrani (excerpts); Interviews with Wajeeha al Huwaider, a Saudi Arabian female activist; Rais Le Bled – video clip by El General, a Tunisian hip hop artist

·       Charlie Rose interviews Naomi Klein on Shock Doctrine  

Optional Texts

Anthony Giddens                   - The Runaway World

Thomas Friedman                  - The Lexus and the Olive Tree

Thomas Friedman                  - The World is Flat 

Thomas Friedman                  - Hot, Flat and Crowded

Clay Shirky                                - Here Comes Everybody

Clay Shirky                                - Cognitive Surplus

Evgeny Morozov                    - To Save Everything Click Here

Jaron Lanier                             - You are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto

Samuel Huntington               - The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

Benjamin Barber                    - Jihad versus McWorld: Terrorism's Challenge to Democracy

Francis Fukuyama                 - The End of History and the Last Man

Robin Wright                           - Rock the Casbah

Naomi Klein                              - No Logo

Naomi Klein                              - The Shock Doctrine  


Week 1  


Week 2    

Post-Gutenberg Universe 

In-class videos – Clay Shirky

Required reading: Assange (Introduction and Chapters 1-3)  

Week 3  

Social Networks and the Global Revolution in Journalism

Required viewing: We Steal Secrets – The Story of WikiLeaks (2013). A documentary film by Alex Gibney. We shall watch a part of the film in class. Students will then wat