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The Story of the Western Psyche: From Ensouled Cosmos to Disenchanted Space

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Two paradigms of history

2. Plato and the transcendent realm of Ideas

3. Aristotle, immanence and the renewal of balance

4. Hellenism and Neoplatonism

5. Christianity and its inner contrasts

6. The downfall of the antique world

7. Dark ages, scholastics and the dispute on the universals

8. Renaissance, reformation and the Copernican turn

9. Rationalism and romantism as two poles of modern world-view

10. The crisis of our era

11. Beyond postmodern mind

12. Integral vision for a new millennium


Every challenge we experience in the world is a result of a story we tell ourselves and identify with. If we change this story, we can change everything. What does it mean? No one can simply cut down a rainforest or enslave a nation without a powerful story capturing the beliefs of countless people. The stories we live in represent great metanarrative frameworks in the context of which we see our deeds – no matter what they are – as meaningful.

They enter into our inner depths where they shape our perception and define what we consider as real and what as illusory. At the same time, they are projected outwards, where they create our external reality and form the possibilities we are being offered by the world. If we want to understand the roots of the challenges of our era, we must begin to ask profound questions. What is the story we live in? What are its origins? Who are we? What future do we want to create together? And what kind of a story could help us get there?

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