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German and Austrian Culture in the 20th Century

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1.     Introduction - formal aspects, definition of culture

2.     Otto Dix - George Grosz

3.     Paul Klee - Oskar Kokoschka

4.     Walter Gropius - Mies van der Rohe

5.     Leni Riefenstahl - Swing Kids

6.     Joseph Beuys - Gerhard Richter

7.     Wolf Biermann - Namenlos

8.     Wim Wenders - Tom Tykwer

9.     Hundertwasser - Norman Foster

10.   Kraftwerk - Totenhosen

11.   Karl Lagerfeld - Helmut Newton

12.  Conclusion and discussion


The aim of the course is to study the development of culture in Germany and Austria in the 20th century. The core interest is the affirmative and negative confrontation of culture with Nazi regime and the question of pro-regime (propagandistic) and counter-regime (exile, inner emmigration, resistance) culture.

The course is also dedicated to the conservative precursors of Nazi regime, left-wing intellectuals warning against the coming regime and postwar reflexions and question of guilt.