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U.S.-Taiwan-PRC Relations

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Early contacts between the U.S. and China (J.K.)

? Establishment of relations, treaty ports in China, Sino-U.S. trade

? Missionaries

? Chinese immigration to the U.S.

? Open Door policy

U.S. and the establishment of the republic in China, Chinese Civil War (J.K.)

? U.S. and Sun Yat-sen

? Civil War in China: Kuomintang v. Chinese Communist Party

Truman Administration (J.S.)

? Civil War in China, 1946 - 1949

? First Taiwan Crisis 1949

? Korean War and Taiwan 1950

? First position paper: CHINA THREAT

Eisenhower Administration (J.S.)

? Mutual Defense Treaty of 1954

? 2nd Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1954-1955

? 3rd Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1958

? U.S. Nuclear and Missile Deployment in Taiwan

? U.S. - PRC Warsaw Talks, 1958

Kennedy and Johnson Administration (J.L.)

? 4th Taiwan Strait Crisis, 1962

? One China or Two Chinas?, 1961 - 1963

? U.S. - PRC relations and the Vietnam War

? U.S. refusal to support Taiwan's attempt to recover the Mainland

Nixon and Ford Administration (J.L.)

? Taiwan's U.N. membership, 1969 - 1971

? Kissinger's trips to China, 1971, 1972, 1974, and 1975

? Nixon's trip to China, Vietnam factor.

? Shanghai Communiqué, 1972

? Ford's Trip to China, 1975

? Nuclear Weapons in PRC and Taiwan

Carter Administration (J.L.)

? U.S.-PRC Normalization, SALT II/Middle East Factor

? Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, 1978 - 1979

? ROC - U.S. diplomatic crisis, 1978 - 1979

? Taiwan Relations Act, 1979

? Second position paper

Reagan's Administration (J.S.)

? Issue of Taiwan in Reagan's campaign

? Arms sales to Taiwan crisis

? August 17 Communiqué, Reagan's Six Assurances to Taiwan

Bush Administration (J.L.)

? Tienanmen Incident, 1989

? Baker's Strategy towards China

? F-16s and E-2Ts sales to Taiwan

Clinton's Administration (J.S.)

? Unstable U.S. - PRC Relations, 1992 - 1996

? Adjustments of U.S. policy towards Taiwan, 1994

? President Lee's visit to America

? 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis

? Jiang Ze-min's visit to the U.S., 1997

? Clinton's visit to Beijing and Three Nos Policy

? U.S. Bombing of the Chinese Embassy, 1999

? Special State-to-State Relationship, 1999

? Taiwan's Presidential Elections, 2000

? Third position paper: CONTAINMENT V. ENGAGEMENT

Bush Administration (J.S.)

? Bush's Campaign and the issue of Taiwan and PRC

? EP-3 incident, 2001

? Arms sales to Taiwan issue

? Referendum and constitutional change in Taiwan, Taiwan's presidential campaign of 2003-2004

? Powel's & Armitage remarks

? U.S. means of preventing Taiwan from going independent

? Anti-secession law

Current situation in the Taiwan Strait (J.S.)

? Rise of China

? Democratization and pro-independence tendencies in Taiwan


The purpose of the course is to provide the students with a historical overview of Sino-American relations. The course will deal with diplomacy and war, mutual perceptions, Americans in China, Chinese emigration and communities in the United States, hot issues in the mutual relations arising from the existence of the People's Republic of China and Republic of China in Taiwan. At the same time, we will focus on the current developments in the relations, Chinese military, trade issues, Taiwan's democratization and drive to independence, etc.

The course terminates with an exam and is worth 5 credits.