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Institutions of the European Union

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Plan of the course:

New (?) institucional architecture after Lisbon Treaty: distribution of power, loyalties, left-overs, expectations and practice (October 3 2012)

Council or Councils? European Council, Council of the EU, rotating presidency (October 10 2012)

European Parliament: Competencies and ambitions vs. weak legitimacy (October 17 2012)

- (october 24 2012)

European Commission : Business as usual?  (October 31 2012)

EEAS: A new-comer (November 7 2012)

Political Cycle in the EU : political initiation, legal initiative, legislative procedure, judicial review of legality, implementation and its control (November 14 2012)

Amending Founding Treaties : states and citizens as treaty-masters? (November 21 2012)

General EU :egislative process: chocolate directive, service directive and REACH mechanism (November 28 2012)

Budgetary Process in the EU (December 5 2012)

EU Reaction to Eurozone Crisis 2010-2012: New institutions needed? (December 12 2012)

CAP Decision-Making : On sugar and wine (December 19 2012)


The course aims at introducing and presenting EU institutional mechanisms and decision-making procedures in all relevant matters and at all political levels. It will not be a simple description of the EU institutions (it is assumed such knowledge is acquired during the undergraduate courses).

The course will instead opt for horizontal approach in order to learn about the changing role of the EU institutions in each policy area from the initial phase of a proposal until its implementation. For this purpose several case studies will be presented.