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State- and Nation-Building in Central Asia

Předmět na Fakulta sociálních věd |


Program of the course

1. Introduction. Definition of Central Asian region, "Western", Asian, Russian, Local Approaches to the region.

2. The Historical overview. Central Asia until 1991 and history as the legitimization factor in current political regimes in the country.

3. The Geopolitics of Central Asia. USA, China, Russia in Central Asia, the role of other powers - the emphasis of Iran, Turkey and India

4. "The Great Game in Central Asia and Caspian". The analysis of hydrocarbon and rare metal reserves in Central Asia, analysis of existing pipeline routes and projects

5. Integration and Disintegration tendencies in the region, the problems and perspectives of integration formations - ODKB, SCO, CA(E)S, ECO, Custom Union et al

6. Formal and Informal Institutions in Central Asia. - political systems v. traditional social structures in Central Asian politics, opposition, local leaders

7. Ideology as the fundament of State- and Nation-building. History building, the cult of the leaders, ideology of modern and democratic state

8. Islam in politics and society in Central Asia. Radical Islam and Afghan influence in Central Asia. The myth and reality of Islamic threats in Central Asia

9. Conflict potential in Central Asia - real and potential conflicts (ethnic minorities, borders, water management - with Aral Sea problems, economic disaster)

10. Economic Transformation of Central Asia. Strategies of transformation in each state, the results and consequences for outside world

11. Perspectives of Central Asia, strategies

12. Film projection   Requirements - active participation in the course. Reading of essential texts (marked red in the syllabus) as well as one of the selective readings. In addition each student will get some assignment for the next week.  - one final paper 2000-4000 words, submitted to the lecturer by January 31, 2014, 24:00. The topic of the paper have to be agreed until by October 31,

2013). - oral interview - the discussion will be based on the paper and 1-2 additional basic questions concerning the topics of the course and readings. All readings can be found in Moodle system.



- To analyze political and social developments in Central Asian countries in the process of "the creation of nations";

- To search for legacy of the Soviet system in analysed countries as well as new influences of other regions and cultures

- To analyse the role of global world in Central Asia and threats and opportunities coming from Central Asia to the Global world

- To examine "the creation of nations" in Central Asia


- to integrate methods of politology, social anthropology, history and conflictology in analysis of Central Asian states

- to demonstrate and ability of critical and non-biased view on searched region

- to search the peculiarities of political culture and the logic of development in each state of the region.