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Ethno-historical regions III

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Russian and English reading are essential for this course

Programme 21 Feb Introduction to the regions in Russia, The Caucasus and Central Asia (work with map of Eurasia) 28 Feb Volga region republics I. - Tatarstan (Jan Šír) 07 Mar The Crymea (film about Crymean Tatars - Russian, Tatar, Czech subtitles) 14 Mar Volga region republics II. - Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mary El republic (Jan Šír) 21 Mar Northern Caucasus - introduction


Souleimanov, E.: Kavkazská válka (manuscript, to be added)

Fait, E.: Kavkaz. Jeho přírodní krásy, poměry národohospodářské, národopis a místopis. Matice česká, Praha, 1894. 28 Mar Northern Caucasus - Kalmykia, Dagestan readings

Мацузато, К.- Ибрагимов, М.-Р.:Чужой, но лояльный: причины «нестабильной стабильности» в Дагестане (rukopis; k dispozici též anglická verze 04 Apr Southern Caucasus - conflict region (special case - Meskhetian Turks) 11 Apr Southern Caucasus - Georgian regions (guest Shalva Amiranashvili) 18 Apr Southern Siberia - Buryatia, Khakassia, Tuva, Altaj

Батомункуев, С.: Новые бурятские идентичности. Мифологическое и политическое содержание дискурса. Вестник Евразии: Acta Eurasica. № 2 (28), 2005, 66-105. 25 Apr Southern Siberia - Jewish Autonomous Region (unsuccesful attempt of etnoregion) 02 May Artic region 08 May The course is suspended due to conference abroad 16 May Central Asia - Ferghana Valley, Gorno-Badakhshan AO

Herbers, H.: Transformation in the Tajik Pamirs: Gornyi-Badakhshan – an example of succesful restructuring? Central Asian Survey, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2001, s. 367-382)


Analysis of traditional and non-traditional ethnohistorical regions throughout Eurasia (European and Asian Russia, The Ukraine, The Caucasus, Central Asia) in selected case studies. Basic geographical characteristic, historical, economical and political development.