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Legal Framework of the European Union

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Structure of lectures, including cases for reading.  

February 20: Introduction: EU and its competences, co-existence between EU law, international law and internal law of EU states

February 27: EU Institutions and their role in EU Law (reading G.Rugge. Trialogue and access to documents, Common Market Law Review 1/2019, in particular sections 4-5 - pp. 244-258)

March 6: EU legal norms and their features (direct effect, supremacy) (case C-152/84 - Marshall v Southampton and South-West Hampshire Area Health Authority, the second question)

March 13: EU Judicial System (case Skoma-Lux, C-161/06, text 12 things you should now about the ECJ/CER 2014)

March 20: EU law and Human Rights (case Schmitberger, C-112/00)

March 27: External Dimension of the EU Law (case Commission vs. UK /MOX case/, C-459/03)

April 3: -

April 10: Legal framework of EU Internal Market I: Free Movement of People (case Allué, C-33/88)

April 17: Legal Framework of EU Internal Market II: Free Movement of Services (case Kohll, C-158/96)

April 24: Legal Framwork of Europeanised criminal law

May 15: Conclusion of the course  


Course "Legal Framework of the European integration" is Jean Monnet course focused on major legal instruments and trends in the EU. Particular attention is given to the impact of the enlargement and the Lisbon Treaty reform.