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European Dimension of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Geopolitical characteristics of the particular regions. - Jewish Diaspora and State of Israel - 3 main areas of the Muslim?s world (Magreb, Mashreq, Fertile Crescent) - Representatives of the Jewish and Arabic political life - Power interest of the European Powers before the Ottoman Empire

2. Perception and understanding of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict - Zionism and Arabic nationalism - Anti-Semitism in Europe and its reflection in the Ottoman Empire - Internal development within the Ottoman Empire and its reflection in Europe

3. Rise of the Jewish-Arabic conflict - Foreign policy of Great Britain and the Zionism movement - Arabic nationalism and its representatives - Pan Arabism and its malfunction - Foreign policy of European Powers and the USA in the Middle East before the WW I

4. World War I. - Mac Mahon- sheriff Husain correspondence - Sykes-Picot Agreement - Balfour declaration - Reflection of the WW I in the political situation in Palestine

5. WW I. Results. - Ottoman Empire and its disintegration - New territories x new states - British foreign policy and the activities of the European Powers in the Middle East - Zionists and the representatives of Arabic tribes

5. Political development in Palestine during the 20th - Jewish alijah - British promises to Zionists and Arabs - Peace conference - Treaty of Sevres - Weizmann ? Faysal Agreement

6. British Mandate in Palestine - Mandates, types and divided areas - French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon - British Mandate in Palestine and Iraq - First Arabs riots ? Churchill?s White paper - Political life of Zionists and Arabs in Palestine

7. British Mandate in Palestine - Division of the Mandate?s territories - Zionist Organization and British Mandate - 3rd Alijah - Kibbutz, moshav ? collectivization, socialists ideas - Economic and political life in Palestine - Arabic and British attitude towards the mandate

8. Interwar period in Palestine (30th) - Arab riots and their reflection on the mandate policy - British commissions of inquiry and their recommendations towards the situation in Palestine - So ? called white paper and their significance - Rice of Nazism in Europe

9. Political situation in Palestine (30th) - Formation of Arabic political parties and Arab riots (1936) - Rise of new Zionist and non-Zionist political parties and institutionalization - Palestine on the eve of the WW II. - Nazism and so-called Jewish question

10. World War II. - Political and economic situation in Palestine - World War II. - Radicalism and particular radical movements /Arabs and Zionists/ - Illegal immigration to Palestine - Middle East region and WW II.

11. Middle East after the WW II. - Holocaust and its results - Economic and political life in Palestine after WW II. - Zionist Organization after the war - Palestinian situation and UN 12 Before the rise of the State Israel - Mandate?s territories of the Muslim?s word in 1946 - 48 - UN and its role in the Israeli- Arabic conflict - Political forces before the rise of Israel - UNSCOOP - UN ? resolution Nr. 181

13. Rise of the State of Israel - International support for the Jewish state - Before the rise of the State of Israel - First conflicts ? terrorist activities - State Israel - Fist Israeli- Arabic war


This course is focused on the detailed analysis of the historic events moved towards the Israeli-Arabic conflict. It targets the period before the rise of the State of Israel in connection with the enforcement of the economic and political interests of the European Power in the region of the Middle East and in the context of internal development in this region.

The main stress is laid on the changes of the British foreign policy in this region before the WW I, during the British Mandate and especially later, after the WW II. when Palestine was turned over to the United Nations Organization. The main target of this course is to bring to light the particular concepts on the different historic events relating to the behavior of various states involved in this Israeli-Arabic conflict.