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Oil and Gas in the Post Soviet Area

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Obligatory reading additional  17 February 2021 introduction, main requirements, aims      24 February 2021

Energy basics, Oil, Gas, Electricity. Long-term contracts vs. spot markets, sorts of oil. Unconventional sources of gas, oil.

Robert R. Nersesian, Energies for the 21st Century, 2nd edition, 2010,, chapter 7. 3 March 2021

International establishment of Oil and Gas trade, business cycle, investments,  pricing

Jeffrey D. Wilson (2015) Multilateral Organisations and the Limits to International Energy Cooperation, New Political Economy, 20:1, 85-106   10 March 2021

Post Soviet energies - past developments, general characteristics, oil and gas trading, energy efficiency

Stacy Closson, A comparative analysis on energy subsidies in Soviet and Russian policy, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Volume 44, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 343-356, ISSN 0967-067X,   17 March 2021

 Main deposits - oil and gas, history of extraction, extraction costs. Shale gas in the post-Soviet space.  

Oil Field Decline Rates: The Ebb and Flow Rates of World Oil Supply, February 2013, 85-124   24 March 2021

Pipelines - current and future projects, Nabucco, North Stream, South Stream,

  Simon Pirani, Russian and CIS gas markets and their impact on Europe   31 March 2021

Russia as an energy superpower? State-business relations in oil and gas, Gazprom, Yukos, Lukoil, Energy strategy,   1. Peter Rutland (2015) Petronation? Oil, gas, and national identity in Russia, Post-Soviet Affairs, 31:1, 66-8 2. Does the cancellation of South Stream signal a fundamental reorientation of Russian gas export policy? Jonathan Stern, Simon Pirani, Katya Yafimava, OIES 2015

  Anders Åslund, Russia’s Energy Policy: A Framing Comment, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2006, 47, No.3, pp. 321-328. 7 April 2021 no class - easter     14 April 2021

Belarus - dependence or interdependence

, Margarita M. Balmaceda (2014) Energy policy in Belarus: authoritarianresilience, social contracts, and patronage in a post-Soviet environment, Eurasian Geography, and Economics, 55:5, 514-536   21 April 2021

Ukraine - specifics of Ukrainian energy sector, Relations with Russia, 2006 and 2009 crises. Prospects of other development

Edward Chow & Jonathan Elkind (2009) Where East Meets West: European Gas and Ukrainian Reality, The Washington Quarterly, 32:1, 77-92   28 April 2021

 Caspian Sea area - Azerbaijan and Russian involvement 5.   5 May 2021

Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan) - China, Russia, EU quest for supplies

Simon Pirani,   12 May 2021              

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In his "The Quest", Daniel Yergin analyses the complexity of the world of energy resources. Plainly said, what happens in one part of the world may impact developments in the other parts. This "butterfly effect" has its unquestionable consequences also for separate regions, including the post-Soviet. The course, therefore, concentrates on the developments in this part of the world.

The aim of the course is to explore the problems of oil and gas extraction and trading in the area of the Post-Soviet space in its broadness and various perspectives, political, economic and also technical. We will try to seek systemic explanations, critically evaluate short and long term trends. What is the impact of new technologies on the post-Soviet space? Why it is so hard to predict future developments even if we possess advanced analytical tools? What is the role of Russian energy companies? Is China a game-changer? What is the role of the European Union?

The choice of the readings will be subjected to the changing nature of the energy sphere. Although the papers are placed in the SIS, they might change with the changing situation. Therefore, please, be careful to check the valid paper for each of the classes. I will try to keep the readings up to date as possible. Students should not expect that they will become energy specialists.

After finishing this course, students should be able to understand the developments in the oil and gas markets, the problems of negotiations, policy choices. In a broader sense, students should understand also the role of energy affairs in the political relations in the post-Soviet area.