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Current Issues of European Integration

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Students will debate the following topics during the semester:

1. Where are the borders of Europe? Europe = EU?

2. What is the role of the nation state in the EU

3. Multiculturalism and immigration policy in the EU

4. Multi-speed Europe ? elements, forms, meaning, impact

5. What role for human rights in foreign policy?

6. What is the role of the US in the EU?

7. What is the role of the EU in the world?

8. Democratic deficit and European citizenship ? who should steer the EU?

9. Development aid ? do we help or harm?

10. What future for the European social model?

11. Is the current European approach to the climate change the right one?

12. What is the optimal level of regulation in the EU The reviewed book and topic of the essay have to be agreed with the tutor by 6 November

2009. The deadline for both papers: 29 January



A compulsory one-term course for the students of the European Studies programme. The aim is to introduce key topics of the contemporary European integration debate in the appropriate context.

An own analysis of a problem, a critical review of somebody else's analysis, as well as the defence of one's own opinion will be required from the students.