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The EU and the Member States after 2000

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The EU and the Member States after 2000

MA course

JMM 531      

Prof. PhDr. Lenka A. Rovná, CS.c

Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam    

Office:                        Charles University Prague, Ovocný trh 5, Praha 1, room 307

Office Hours:              Wednesday 9:00 - 10:15    

The Discussion about the Future of Europe, the Convention, the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), the Constitution for Europe, Ratification Processes and the Reflection, Reform Treaty, Lisbon Treaty and further

Constitutionalization and Federalization of Europe    

Students will be divided into groups representing different member states of the EU and will follow the topics connected with the discussion about the constitutionalization of Europe [finalité] from the point of view of different actors in their selected state. The main focus is given to the relationship between the member states and the EU as such in the process of Europeanization and creation of European politics.    

Feb 18


February 25

Do the member states matter? The role of member states in the EU

The European Union and its member states, in:Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne , The Member States of the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 1-15

Politics in the European Union from the member state point of view, in: Gabriel A.Almond, Russel J.Dalton, G.Bingham Powell, Jr., Kaare Strom, European Politics Today, Pearson Longman, New York, 3rd edition, 2006, pp.457 - 509    

March 4

How the EU works?    

March 11

Home Work - no class!!!

Europe United in historical perspective

David M.McCourt, International Relations and the Post-War World: Notes Toward a Reflexive History of the European Project  

March 18

Europeanization and Multilevel governance, case studies of individual member states

From Government to governance, in: Edited by Paul Heywood, Erik Jones and Martin Rhodes, Developments in West European Politics 2, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2002, pp. 151 - 183


March 25

The discussion about the future of Europe, the establishment of the Convention

Speech by Joschka Fischer etc.  etc.  

April 1

Different attitudes of MSs to the Convention, Working methods of the Convention, The Presidium versus the members of the Convention

PAUL MAGNETTE and KALYPSO NICOLAÏDIS, The European Convention: Bargaining in the shadow of Rhetoric, West European Politics, April 2004  

April 8

European identity and values, Turkey as a new member state of the EU?

A Constitution for Europe, Preambule

The Treaty of Lisbon  

April 15

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Joachim Jens Hesse, Freie Universität Berlin

Towards a Workable EU  

April 22

Ratification process, Referenda, Reflection period

Lisbon Treaty and its ratification  

April 29

Graham Avery, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, European Policy Centre, Brussels

Enlargement of the European Union - Lessons of the Past and Prospects for the Future    

May 6

The EU after Lisbon, New Challenges for Europe, Economic crisis

Krugman, Paul (2012) "European Crisis Realities"

Krugman Paul (2012), Austerity is so Wrong!, May 6, 2012  

May 13

Europe - a federation? Europe - a vision?

Comparison of different approaches towards the federation, forms of federation

Are there still any visions?

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The Discussion about the Future of Europe, the Convention, the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), the Constitution for Europe, Ratification Processes and the Reflection, Reform Treaty, Lisbon Treaty and after.

Constitutionalization and Federalization of Europe.

Students will be divided into groups representing different member states of the EU and will follow the topics connected with the discussion about the constitutionalization of Europe [finalité]. The main focus is given to the relationship between the member states and the EU as such in the process of Europeanization and creation of European politics.