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Europe in the French mind: a historical–civilizational point of view

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Venue: Room J2018, Jinonice 


The course aims providing students with some key features to the understanding of the European project not only from the point of view of institutional approaches, but also in a social-political and a historical-geopraphical perspective. Structured both chronologically and thematically, this interdisciplinary course has two foci. First, it offers a long term observation of the european project, its evolution and its contemporary debates. The focus on France as a case study gives a concrete angle study of the European integration from the point of view of one of its funding members


Introduction: Europe seen from/by France - Europe looks at France. 

The European project in the French mind 1/2

The European project in the French mind 2/2

Modern European States - Nationalism and Concepts of the Nation: a French model?

Border of Europe - bordering European Union: a French point of view

Central and Eastern Europe seen from France.

France in the enlarged European Union.

Conclusion: social sciences and European studies. French critical inquiries of some key researches on European Integration.



-          BRAUDEL Fernand: Grammaire des civilisations, Paris: Flammarion.

-          Critique internationale, n°2, hiver 1999, La formation de l’Europe.

-          FEBVRE Lucien: L’Europe. Genèse d’une civilisation. Paris : Perrin, 1999.

-          FOUCHER Michel: Fronts et Frontières, un tour du monde géopolitique, Paris : Fayard, 1988, 1991.

-          FOUCHER Michel: La République Européenne, Paris: Belin, 2000.

-          DE LA SERRE Françoise; LEQUESNE Christian; RUPNIK Jacques: L'Union européenne : ouverture à l'Est ? Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1994.

-          JUDT Tony, Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, New York, Penguin Books, 2006.

-          KISSINGER Henry: Diplomatie, Fayard, 1996.

-          LEQUESNE Christian: La France dans la nouvelle Europe. Assumer le changement d’échelle, Paris: Science po, 2008.

-          RIFKIND Malcolm, "L'Etat-nation et la construction européenne" Politique étrangère, n° 1, printemps 1997, p. 177-184.

-          TODD Emanuel: L’invention de l’Europe, Paris: Seuil, 1990.  

On-line resources:  

-          Notre Europe:

-          Fondation Schuman

-          Archive of European integration somewhat useful document repository.

-          History of EU Integration: includes a useful guide to on-line sources.  

Classics references:  

-          Ernest Renan: Qu’est ce qu’une nation, Paris Bordas.

-          Fichte: Reden an die deutsche Nation.

-          Herder: Herder on Nationality, Humanity, and History, F. M. Barnard. (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003.

-          Gellner E., (1983), Nations & Nationalism, Basil Blackwell, Oxford. Édition française, 1989, Payot, Paris.

-          Hobsbawm E., (1992), Nations et nationalismes depuis 1780, Gallimard, Paris.

-          Hroch M., (1996), V národním zájmu, Praha: Filozofická Fakulta UK.

-          Verdery K., (1994), "Beyond the Nation in Eastern Europe", Social Text, n°38, pp. 1-19.