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Historical and Cultural Roots of Europe

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The main goal of this course is to familiarize the students with the cultural and historical background that eventually lead to the efforts for European integration. Its structure is twofold:

At the forefront of attention of the first thematic block are the major shifts and turnarounds in European history that saw not just epochal changes in understanding of the role of European states, geopolitical power positions, economic relations, and political thought, but also led to attempts to maintain peace and integrate Europe (great overseas discoveries, revolutions, wars and conflicts, economic crises). Motives for European integration are traced back to their very origins, including the earliest integration attempts of the Pan-European movement.

The second set of topics emphasizes the continuity and progress of the European society and culture and major forces that formed their development. Common tendencies and widespread ideologies (such as modernization, nationalism and totalitarianism) shared by Western, Eastern and Central Europe are traced back to their origins, analyzed and their significance for current affairs is assessed.

The ultimate aim of the course is to equip students with the analytical tools necessary for a more in-depth understanding and study of current topics on European integration.