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Political Science I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Content: 1.-3. Introduction: terms: "political science", its classification. Historical development of political science as an independent scientific discipline. Political sociology and sociology of politics according to G. Sartori. International classification of political science. 4.-7. What is politics/policy/polity? Two conceptions of political science. Power, rule and legitimacy (M. Weber). Aims and functions of politics. Politics and society: politics-superstructure (Marxism) and primacy of politics (Aron); elitism (Michels, Pareto, Mills) and pluralism (Aron, Dahl). Political and non-political politics.

Political culture G.Almond, S.Verba). Conflict, competition and integration. 8.-10. What is political theory? Do paradigms exist in political science? 11.-13. Classical and modern political thought: antic political thought and Christian thought on politics. Modern political thought - first (Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke) and second (Hegel, Marx) wave of modernity. Schumepter's non-classical theory of democracy and its influence.


The aim of the two-semester course is to provide introduction to political science. The lectures of the first semester focus on the rise of modern political science, its major theories, its division as well as some of major concepts related to politics. A special attention is given to different understanding of what political theory is.

Successful accomplishment of the course is conditioned by thorough study of compulsory literature.