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History of Political Thought I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


History of political thought I

1) Political thought, political philosophy, political science. History in Greek and modern sense, historical science, philosophy of history. Politics as thought and action in polis. Greek and modern methods: thauma, skepsis, questioning, description, analysis, critique, dialectics, interpretation. Phenomenology, hermeneutics, logical and linguistic analysis.

2) Methods like an access ways to history, politics, sciences and philosophy. Methods: thauma, scepsis, questioning, description, analysis, critique, dialectics, interpretation. Phenomenology, hermeneutics, logical and lingustic analysis

3) European (continental) philosophical, historical and political thought: marxism and critical theory, philosophy of existence, Nietzsche and postmodernity

4) Contemporary continental thought II: phenomenology (Husserl, Heidegger, Merleu-Ponty, Patočka)

5) Contemporary continental thought III: hermeneutics (Heidegger, Gadamer, Ricoeur)

6) Positivism - Austrian - British philosofical and political thought: logical positivism (Vienna circle), Wittgenstein I - Tractatus, critical rationalism (Popper)

7) Contemporary analytical thought II: Wittgenstein II, philosophy of ordinary language, analytical philosophy, theory of speech acts (Austin)

8) Pragmatism (Peirce, James, Dewey), theory of paradigms (Kuhn), rekontextualization (Rorty), universal pragmatism, discoursive ethics (Habermas, Apel)

9) Greek and modern conception of democracy. Democracy as the rule of people and law. Democracy and religion. Liberal, republican and deliberative theory of democracy

10) Remarks to Czech historical, philosophical and political thought (Palacký, Masaryk, Pekař, Rádl, Komárková, Patočka, Hejdánek, Bělohradský, Kohák)


The content of the subject are the methodical conditions of history of political thought. It shows differences between political history, political philosophy and political science.

It searches the origins and contemporary conceptions of history, philosophy, science and politics. There are discussed classical and modern methods used in the explicaton of history, philosophy, science and political philosophy.