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The British Empire from 18th to 20th Century

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Introduction to the British Empire

The Birth of a Global Empire: Expansion and Foundations of Power Influence (16th–18th Centuries) a) On the Waves of Adventure and Controversy: Piracy, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and the Establishment of the First Colonies b) The First Steps of British Dominance in India: Strategies, Conflicts, and Alliances c) Australia: From Uncharted Shores to British Colony

Development and Transformation of the British Empire: From the American Revolution to World War I a) The Loss of America and Its Impact on the Empire b) Power and Size – Transformations of the British Empire in the 19th Century c) Expansion into India d) Africa and the Scramble for Colonies

Changes and Challenges of the British Empire: From Peak to Decolonization a) The Interwar Period and the Rise of Nationalism b) World War II and Its Impact on the Empire c) Decolonization and the Disintegration of the Empire


This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the historical development and transformation of the British Empire from its early beginnings in the 16th century to its gradual decline and disintegration in the mid-20th century. Students will have the opportunity to examine various aspects of the empire, including its economic, social, political, and cultural dimensions, which shaped its expansion and influence on world history.

Introduction to the British Empire: This introductory section will provide students with a basic overview of the British Empire, its key characteristics, and its significance in world history.

The Birth of a Global Empire: Students will become familiar with the early period of the British Empire's expansion, including the role of piracy, the transatlantic slave trade, and the establishment of the first colonies. They will also explore British dominance in India and the colonization of Australia, which laid the foundations for the empire's power influence.

Development and Transformation of the British Empire: This part of the course will focus on the period from the American Revolution to World War I, examining the loss of America, transformations of the empire in the 19th century, expansion into India and Africa, and the scramble for colonies that shaped its later structure.

Changes and Challenges of the British Empire: In the final part, students will delve into the period from the peak of the empire to its decolonization, including the interwar period, the rise of nationalism, the impacts of World War II, and the process of decolonization and disintegration of the empire.

The course will provide students with a deep insight into the dynamic history of the British Empire, its impact on the shaping of the modern world, and the consequences of its policies for the present. Lectures, discussions, and the analysis of primary and secondary sources will enable students to critically reflect on the complexity and legacy of the empire.