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Topics in Geopolitics and Political Geography

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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1)            (i) Organizational issues, structure of the curse, requirements

(ii) Approaches in geopolitical thinking and research, Klasical and modern approaches (Mamadouh 2003)   2-3)        Globalization and its significance – is territorial state death?

Ability of states to excercise control over territory under condition of modern globalization has been discussed fiercely from 1990. We will engage with two oposing views:

                Retreat of the state: Strange (1996)

                Why the state will not go away (easily) Waltz (1999 and 2000)   4-5)        The effects of unipolarity – peace and stability or war and chaos?

The end of the Cold War has ended bipolarity... and so far American prediminance is a matter of the fact. Zhis is quite unique configuration of power form the perspective of IR, therefore one can ask if unipolarity helped to promote peace and stability or not. 

                Unipolarity – peaceful and stable (Wohlforth 1999)

                Unipolarity conflictual (Monteiro 2012)   6-7)        State death

While behaving of states has been discused widely, upt to recently we lacked systemic treatments of state death - which is quite important event not only for states, but even for people liveng in dying states. Interestingly, state death is affexted by geography to large extent.

             Being a buffer - dying soon (Fazal 2004)

             Territorial conflicts - the easiest way to disapear from the map (Valeriano, Benthuysen 2012)   8-10)     Ascending China – new hegemon?

                Is Chinese growth inevitable? (Beckley 2012)

                Consequences of Chinese Growth (Mearshiemer 2011/Glaser)   11-12) Military power and geography – How technological progress affected the role geography plays in projecting military power?

             Technology, Air power and the RMA – decreasing significance of distance in modern warfare

             Rethinking the conventional wisdom (Biddle 2004, Montgomery 2015 )