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Political System and Political Parties in Germany-The federal elections of 2013 as a turning point?

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Erasmus Staff Mobility at the Charles University in the summer term 2014 Political System and Political Parties in Germany -

The federal elections of 2013 as a turning point?  

Structure of the course   17th March, 12:30-15:30  

-         Historical background  

-         Functions of Bundestag, Bundesrat, Bundesverfassungsgericht, Bundesregierung and Bundespräsident   18th March, 9:30-10:50  

-         Political parties and their unique histories (small presentations on the political parties by the students, max. 10 minutes, CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Green Party, The Left)   19th March, 11:00-12:20  

-         Analysis of the election campaign 2013   20th March, 11:00-12:30  

-         Analysis of the result of the German federal election 2013  

-         Perspectives  

-         Small test

Reading Materials:  

-         Crossland, David/Heine, Friederike: World From Berlin: The SPD 'Has to Negotiate' with Merkel, in:, 25.09.13, s-search-for-a-coalition-partner-a-924432.html (accessed December 2013).

-         Helms, Ludger: Angela Merkel and the Unfilled Promise of Chancellor Democracy, in: Current History (March 2011), tory.pdf (accessed December 2013).

-         Kommers, Daniel P./Miller, Russel A.: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany, 3rd Rev. and exp. ed., Duke 2012.

-         Langenbacher, Eric: Between Left and Right. The 2009 Bundestag Elections and the Transformation of the German Party System, New York/Oxford 2010.

-         Langenbacher, Eric/Conradt, David P.: The German Politiy, 10th Edition,  

Manchester 2013.  

-         Schmidt, Manfred: Political Institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany, Oxford 2003.

Teaching Methodology:  

-    Seminar/presentation with a small test at the end of the 5th lessons