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Vzestup moderní Číny

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The rise of Modern China.

Professor Alexey Maslov, PhD  

Language of instruction: English    

The course   covers a long period from the late-imperial China (middle of 19 c .) up to the present days and focuses on the China's "long modernization" growing from the semi-colonial  country up to the leading power in the world that tries to reconstruct the modern global situation  Beside main historical events of this period we will analyze the  main economic and political trends, theories and practices of the communism and nationalism in the China's history, as well post-totalitarian modernization of China and present day trends in leadership and socio-political structures. This course concentrates on the  foundational knowledge of modern Chinese political culture, history, politics and society, international relations needed for understanding the future of Asia and the world. We also will discuss several critical issues for China’s development such as social constrains, national contradictions, economic and political disbalances.    


This introduction to contemporary China focuses primarily on the  PRC but also covers developments in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the late twentieth and early twenty- first centuries.  The huge transformation of China has brought into sharp focus enduring questions about the nature of the Chinese state and Chinese society. China has one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Economic growth has substantially improved the standard of living for most, if not all, Chinese people.  

The rising of the Modern China is a long lasting process than took more than a century. It’s not started from the beginning of Deng Xiaoping’s «openness and reforms», neither from Mao’s experiments in politics  and economics. The great transformations are routed at the beginning of the  self-identety processes that with the  clash with foreign powers in the middle of 19 c., followed by the total deconstruction of old imperial regime, overcoming of «soviet model for China»   and realized in the reconstruction of national state with high level of ambitions, economic and military power. Today China put forward several important slogans, and the first one it is «China’s dream» which is the implementation of the idea of national resurrection and making China a strong world leader.  

One  of the most important assumptions for this course  is that contemporary China cannot be understood adequately without an appreciation of both its immediate historical past and how this past is perceived by Chinese people today  as well as without deep understanding of national idea of China that was shaped in the 19 c. and first half of 20 c.  

The perception that China should invest heavily in ‘soft power’ has generated a number of top-level policy initiatives, Today china invests a lot to the creation of new positive and attractive image of the country, trying to adopt more and more people to the  global Chinese initiative «One belt One Road». In spite that more than 70 countries supported Chinese initiative and joined OBOR projects  at the same time some EU countries as well as such a great Asian power as India express much concern about Chinese economic spreading. China still clearly fails to compete with Western media and soft power, and even with Asian neighbors such as Japan and India. Apart from generic failings, there have even been some specific complete  international blunders, like long-lasting conflicts with USA, attempts to economically invade ot EU, Latin America and Africa, to reconstruct relations with ASEAN and to build new block with Russia.   

In spite of official Marxist ideology China today does not look or behave like a traditional Soviet-style Communist state and yet the CCP remains firmly in control. Neither is it anything approaching a liberal democratic system with a completely free-market economy. The economy remains mixed, and state-owned enterprises continue to dominate in the key sectors. Nevertheless, migration and changes in working and living patterns are fundamentally and rapidly altering the social structure of both towns and villages.  

In the domestic policy China obviously tries to consolidate  efforts for the new political and economic step forward and in this situation the role of Xi Jinping as a «core» of national idea and political power increase immensely. In spite of the great economic success there are still a lot of problems in domestic economy and China needs to rebalance financial and fiscal mechanisms to prove its ability to improve the situation. «One belt One Road» («Belt and Road»)  initiative managed and sponsored by China is not just an infrastructural project but also the assumption that the world should be re-globalized  in Chinese way.  

We have to answer several important questions about China. Does traditional political culture  that leaded China to economic and territorial growth in the past will be realized in the next few decades under the name of «One belt One road» initiative and what is the link between the free market and political liberation? What are the principal problems confronting China today and what is the capacity of the Chinese political system to deal with these problems successfully.    

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course  

By the end of the course students will:

•   Obtain knowledge and understanding of contemporary Chinese politics, culture and identity issues and learn to these issues  critically and creatively

•   Have a grasp of the key issues  and debates related to the study of modern Chinese society;

•   Learn how to interpret and analyze Chinese history and society in detail;

•   Develop skills to critically evaluate a range of social science methods that are relevant to the academic of China;

•   Develop an understanding of interdisciplinary research and its potential      

Course Requirements  


This course does not assume any previous knowledge of China or the Chinese language. There are no formal prerequisites, although some prior knowledge of the history of China or Asia  will be helpful.  

Learning & Teaching Modes

The lectures introduce critical aspects of particular identity issues in contemporary China, themed around the broad topics of history, culture politics, and contemporary society of  China. Lectures will include audio-visual materials relevant to the theme when appropriate. You have to watch some documentaries which is mandatory for topics 2-5.  

Structure of the final grade

You should have completed the reading assigned for each class meeting and be prepared to discuss the material in class. The is advanced level course; therefore, the requirements include two discussions, two sudden oral quizzes which should demonstrate the scholarly ability of a student.    

Class attendance and participation:

Students are expected to attend class regularly, know the content of all class discussions and be aware of the announcements made in class. Not only formal knowledge of the required reading but also an original opinion is strongly encouraged. Discussions are particularly important; every student must participate in the discussions in a prepared and intelligent manner. The discussions are regarded as oral examination; all students must be ready to discuss the required reading and lectures completed by the date of the discussion. Remember, you receive an overall grade for discussions. Although attendance will not be formally checked, it will be noticed and will reflect on the general assessment of you performance. Moreover, one simply cannot pass the course without diligent attention to the sequence of the ideas presented in each class.  


We will have at least two formal discussions and students should read all materials prior the discussions. You have to demonstrate the ability to analyze materials critically and thoroughly and to express your opinion based on the in academic manner.

Discussions  earn 30% on the grade scale.    

Surprise textbook quizzes. During the course there will be two textbook quizzes to check your knowledge of the reading assignments. No p

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

The course covers a long period from the late-imperial China (middle of 19 c .) up to the present days and focuses on the China's "long modernization" growing from the semi-colonial country up to the leading power in the world, Beside main historical events of this period we will analyze the main economic and political trends, theories and practices of the communism and nationalism in the China's history, as well post-totalitarian modernization of China.