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Democracy and Autocracy in Comparative Perspective

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Blok I.  Demokracie-autokracie, demokratizace-autokratizace



Téma 1. 4.10.2023

ÚVOD   přehled kursu požadavky  

Doporučená četba:

Cassani, A., & Tomini, L. (2020). Reversing regimes and concepts: from  democratization to autocratization. European Political Science, 19, 272-287.   2. 11.10.2023


Povinná četba:

Bunce, V. (2000). Comparative Democratization: Big and bounded generalizations. Comparative Political Studies, 33(6-7), 703-734.  

Doporučená četba:

Bogaards, M. (2018). Microscope or Telescope? The Study of Democratisation across World Regions. Political Studies Review, 16(2), 125-135.

Schmitter, P. C., & Karl, T. L. (1991). What democracy is... and is not. Journal of democracy, 2(3), 75-88.   3. 18.10.2023


Povinná četba:

Skaaning, S. E. (2020). Waves of autocratization and democratization: a critical note on conceptualization and measurement. Democratization, 27(8), 1533-1542.  

Doporučená četba:

Lührmann, A., & Lindberg, S. I. (2019). A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about it?. Democratization, 26(7), 1095-1113.

Tomini, L. (2021). Don’t think of a wave! A research note about the current autocratization debate. Democratization, 28(6), 1191-1201.  4. 25.10.2023


Povinná četba:

Mahoney, J., & Snyder, R. (1999). Rethinking agency and structure in the study of regime change. Studies in Comparative International Development, 34(2), 3.  

Doporučená četba:

McFaul, M. (2018). Choosing Autocracy: Actors, Institutions, and Revolution in the Erosion of Russian Democracy. Comparative Politics, 50(3), 305-325.

Kitschelt, H. (1992). Political regime change: structure and process-driven explanations?. American Political Science Review, 86(4), 1028-1034.  

Blok II. Demokratizace a autokratizace v historické perspektivě 5. 1.11.2023


Povinná četba:

Rustow, D. A. (1970). Transitions to democracy: Toward a dynamic model. Comparative Politics, 2(3), 337-363.   

Doporučená četba:

Inglehart, R. F. (2008). Changing values among western publics from 1970 to 2006. West European Politics, 31(1-2), 130-146.

Haggard, S., & Kaufman, R. R. (2018). The political economy of democratic transitions. Princeton University Press.   6. 8.11.2023


Povinná četba:

Bunce, V. (1998). Regional differences in democratization: The east versus the south. Post-Soviet Affairs, 14(3), 187-211.

Doporučená četba:

Bermeo, N. (2003). What the democratization literature says-or doesn't say-about postwar democratization. Global Governance, 9, 159.

Bermeo, N. (1997). Myths of moderation: confrontation and conflict during democratic transitions. Comparative Politics, 305-322.   7. 15.11.2023


Povinná četba:

Huntington, S. P. (1991). Democracy's third wave. Journal of Democracy, 2(2), 12-34.  

Doporučená četba:

Riedl, R. B., Slater, D., Wong, J., & Ziblatt, D. (2020). Authoritarian-led democratization. Annual Review of Political Science, 23, 315-332.

Pop-Eleches, G., & Tucker, J. A. (2017). Communism's Shadow: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Political Attitudes. Princeton University Press.   8. 22.11.2023


Povinná četba:

McFaul, M. (2021). Russia's road to autocracy. Journal of Democracy, 32(4), 11- 26.  

Doporučená četba:

McFaul, M. (2002). The fourth wave of democracy and dictatorship: noncooperative transitions in the postcommunist world. World politics, 54(2), 212-244.

Bernhard, M., B. Edgell, A. & Lindberg, S. I. (2020). Institutionalising electoral uncertainty and authoritarian regime survival. European Journal of Political Research, 59(2), 465-487.    9. 29.11.2023


Povinná četba:

Tomini, L. (2021). Don’t think of a wave! A research note about the current autocratization debate. Democratization, 1-11.  

Doporučená četba:

Boese, V. A., Lindberg, S. I., & Lührmann, A. (2021). Waves of autocratization and democratization: a rejoinder. Democratization, 1-9.

Lührmann, A., & Lindberg, S. I. (2019). A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about it?. Democratization, 26(7), 1095-1113.   10. 6.12.2023


Povinná četba:

Lührmann, A., & Rooney, B. (2020). Autocratization by decree: States of emergency and democratic decline. Comparative Politics.  

Doporučená četba:

Obiagu, U. C. (2021). A third wave? Creeping autocracy in Africa. African Studies Quarterly, 20(1), 114-124.

Somer, M. (2017). Conquering versus democratizing the state: political Islamists and fourth wave democratization in Turkey and Tunisia. Democratization, 24(6), 1025-1043.  

Blok III. Výzvy demokracie a demokratizace   11. 13.12.2023


Povinná četba:

Corbett, J. (2020). The Deconsolidation of Democracy: Is It New and What Can Be Done About It?. Political Studies Review, 18(2), 178-188.  

Doporučená četba:

Schedler, A. (1998). What is democratic consolidation?. Journal of democracy, 9(2), 91-107.

Linz, Juan and Alfred Stephan (April 1996): "Towards Consolidated Democracies." Journal of Democracy, 7(2), 34-51.    12. 20.12.2023


Povinná četba:

Bartels, L. M., Daxecker, U. E., Hyde, S. D., Lindberg, S. I., & Nooruddin, I. (2023). The Forum: Global Challenges to Democracy? Perspectives on Democratic Backsliding. International Studies Review, 25(2).   

Doporučená četba: 

Bermeo, N. (2016). On democratic backsliding. Journal of Democracy, 27(1), 5- 19. 

Bermeo, N. (2022). Questioning Backsliding. Journal of Democracy, 33(4), 155- 159. 

Coppedge, M., Edgell, A. B., Knutsen, C. H., & Lindberg, S. I. (Eds.). (2022). Why democracies develop and decline. Cambridge University Press.   

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Jak vznikají demokracie a autokracie a jak zanikají? Tento kurz se zaměřuje na procesy demokratizace a autokratizace z historické a komparativní perspektivy. Budeme se soustředit na základní otázky ne na konkrétní země., ale v průběhu kursu se budeme věnovat mnoha zemím a většině regionů světa.

Stěžejními koncepty kurzu jsou demokracie, autokracie, demokratizace, autokratizace, změna režimu, (de) konsolidace a eroze demokracie. V prvním bloku kurzu se budeme věnovat těmto konceptům.

Ve druhém bloku se zaměříme na klíčové prvky tří historických „vln“ demokratizace a autokratizace. Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována aktuálně probíhající vlně autokratizace na celém světě a jejímu porozumění.

Ve třetím bloku se kurz obrací k výzvám pro demokracii a demokratizaci: (de) konsolidaci, demokratické erozi a soudobým výzvám demokracie.