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Geopolitics and Geostrategy 1945-2000

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


1. Situation in Europe and in the World in 1930s - geopolitical connections.

2. Germany, Italy, Japan - conceptions, goals, potentiality, limitations.

3. Great Britanin and France - conceptions, goals, potentiality, limitations

4. USA and USSR - conceptions, goals, potentiality, limitations.

5. Winning and Victorious Allies - apparent and hidden dissonances of geopolitical images.

6. Geopolitical dimension of nascent bipolar confrontation - conflict of sea (and air) power against land power.

7. 1950s - new geopolitical situation in Far East and South and Southeast Asia (uprise of PRC, decolonization) and in Middle East.

8. 1960s - USSR goes out of geopolitical area of Imperial Russia - beginning of konfrontation on global scale.

9. Geopolitical implications of decolonization of Africa; conflicts in Asia and reactions of superpowers, new geopolitical environment in Europe.

10.1970s and 1980s - global confrontation of USA and USSR, oil crisis, confrontation of superpowers in world ocean.

11. Astropolitics.

12. Geopolitical consequences of disintegration of biplar system and brakeup of USSR.

13. 21st Century perspectives.


In this course we will continue to elaborate main theme - development of geopolitical and geostrateghical reasoning in 20th century. This time we will focus especially on problem of shaping of bipolarity from geopolitical and geostrategical perspective, especially how it was percieved in the USA and USSR and how new geopolitical dimensions - air and space were reflected.