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Geopolitics and Political Geography of World Regions

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


A) Historical - theoretical block

1) Introduction, concepts, and definitions. Debate betwen regionalists and globalists. Why do states pursue regional integration? Reading: S.Cohen (2015). Gopolitics of Internation Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. Reading: Maps of regional changes from 1900 to 2000 (SIS)

2) Political-geographic analysis of regions

3) Structure of the World Political Map Reading: S.Cohen (2015). Gopolitics of International relations.

4) History, waves of political and economic regionalism (analysis of mixed results of economic, security or multipurpose regional projects), old vs. new regionalism, mega-regionalism. Reading: Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press.

5) Theories of Regionalism (driving forces, motivation) – systemic theories, theory of regional inderedependence, domestic level theories. The role of hegemon, coercive regionalism vs. consensual regionalism. The role of hegemon, coercive regionalism vs. consensual regionalism. The role of democracy in the European integration project. Reading: Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press.

6) Integration processes in the world regions - typology of integration projects (geographic and functional approach) Reading: Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press.   B) Applied block - regionalism in the world politics

7) Regionalism and Geopolitics of Europe Reading: De Blij, H. (2012). Why Geography Matters: More Than Ever. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Chapter 9 (pp. 241-265), Chapter 10 (pp.265-293) Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. (chapter


8) Regionalism and Geopolitics of Asia and Australia I. Reading: De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York. Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. (Chapter 10, 12, 15,

16) Fawcett, Gandois (2010). Regionalism in Africa and theMiddle East: Implications for EU Studies. Recommended reading: Kaplan, R. D. (2010). Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power. Random House. 384 pp. Chapter


9) Regionalism and Geopolitics of Asia and Australia II. Reading: De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York. Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. (Chapter 10, 12, 15,

16) Fawcett, Gandois (2010). Regionalism in Africa and theMiddle East: Implications for EU Studies. Recommended reading: Kaplan, R. D. (2010). Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power. Random House. 384 pp. Chapter


10) Regionalism and Geopolitics of Africa Reading: Bach, D.C. (2013). Thick institutionalism vs lean integration: new regionalism in Africa. De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York. Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. (Chapter

11) Fawcett, Gandois (2010). Regionalism in Africa and the Middle East: Implications for EU Studies. Recommended literature: Carmody, P. (2011) The New Scramble for Africa. Cambridge: Polity Press. 240 pp. ISBN:

9780745647845. Chapter 1,2.

11) Regionalism and Geopolitics of Americas Reading: De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York. Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press. (Chapter


12) Geography of languages and religions Reading: De Blij, H. (2010). The Power of Place. Geography, Destiny, and Globalization´s Rough Landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - Chapter

2. The Imperial Legacy of Language - Chapter

3. The Fateful Geography of Religion Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Week 7: Week 8: Week 9: Week 10: Week 11: Week 12:


During the course we will deal with the phenonemon of regionalism in a historical and theoretical perspective with a focus on the role of regionalism in the world politics. Starting with the basic conceptualization of region, regionalism, regionalization, or globalism, the course explains historical eras, waves of economic and political integration, theoretical explanations of driving forces behind regional integration.

Further regional groupings are analyzed along with a possible classification of integration processes in the world. Particular attention is paid to the specific features of intrastate, inter-state and transnational regions.

The second part of the course is mainly focused on the regionalism in Europe, Asia, Americas, Africa and Australia.