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Security and Integration in Europe I

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Introductory lesson

Lesson A/ Transatlantic security consensus: reality or mirage?

Lesson B/ Strategic culture: an evolution of the concept

Lesson C/ U.S. strategic culture: current developments and their determinants

Lesson D/ Strategic cultures in Europe (Britain, France, Germany, Poland)

Lesson E/ EU and defence: towards a European strategic culture?

Lesson F/ Peacekeeping, stabilization operations, expeditionary warfare etc.: mapping the conceptual boundaries of expeditionary warfare

Lesson G/ Out-of-area conflict management in transatlantic strategic culture post-Cold War (panel discussion)

Lesson H/ From Galula to Petraeus: the evolution of the concept of counterinsurgency

Lesson I/ Case-study I: U.S. counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq

Lesson J/ Case-study II: NATO and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan

Lesson K/ The future of transatlantic strategic culture

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The course examines recent developments in the security and defence policy of the Euro-Atlantic community. It focuses on the issue of counterinsurgency as one of the approaches to crisis management.

This issue is explained in the context of strategic culture as an overarching concept for understanding societal and ideational impulses shaping decision-making with military implications.